Reflections on the Galilean Jesus in the Light of Martin Hengel’s Jesus und das Judentum (Geschichte des frühen Christentums 1)

In: Reflections on the Early Christian History of Religion - Erwägungen zur frühchristlichen Religionsgeschichte
Sean Freyne
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The breadth of Professor Martin Hengel's learning, his creative insights into the world of Jesus and the first Christians and his clear and strongly-stated judgments on many important issues rapidly makes Jesus Und Das Judentum a classic in that field. The unfounded speculations about Galilee have grown exponentially, not just in regard to Galilean Christianity but also about the Galilean Jesus - everything from the Cynic to the Zealot of modern construals. Professor Hengel is consistent and clear-sighted in the way in which his presuppositions are applied and argued for. This chapter concentrates on two areas in particular, namely Jesus the Galilean and Jesus and John the Baptist. Professor Hengel's starting point is based on the Easter traditions themselves, which are the filter through which all of the accounts of Jesus' earthly life have actually come to us.

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