Noun-Verb Complex Predicates in Hindi and the Rise of Non-Canonical Subjects

In: Approaches to Complex Predicates
Annie Montaut
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Verbo-nominal complex predicates, the bulk of the Hindi predicate lexicon, a highly heterogeneous category regarding compositionality and idiomaticity, can however be sub-classified in three types regarding agreement, internal and external syntax, separability, omissibility, extraction and acceptable modifiers. However, in spite of the highly heterogeneous nature of the category, they behave similarly in widening the scope of Aktionsart, aspect and voice specifications in comparison to the grammatical markers of TAM in simplex predicates. The most important fact deals with the diachronic evolution of the language. All sub-types of complex predicates, massively introduced during the renewal of the verbal lexicon by means of borrowing, have contributed to a general shift towards semantic alignments by licensing non-canonical subjects, mainly dative and genitive subject constructions.

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