Chapter 16 The Divine Name that the Son Shares with the Father in the Gospel of John

In: Reading the Gospel of John’s Christology as Jewish Messianism
Charles A. Gieschen
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The Gospel of John evinces significant interest in the unique name that Jesus possesses which is identified as the name that the Son shares with the Father (John 17:11) which Jesus reveals (John 17:6, 26). Disciples of Jesus are to believe not only in Jesus as a person, but specifically in his name (John 1:12; 2:23; 3:18). Jesus states in John that he came in his “Father’s name” (John 5:43) and instructs his disciples to ask things “in my name” (John 14:12-13; 15:16; 16:23-24, 26). This paper will demonstrate that the unique name that Jesus shares with the Father is the Tetragrammaton, the unspoken four-letter personal name YHWH, an idea is that is important for the divine identity Christology of the Gospel of John and is already present with some figures closely associated with YHWH in the Hebrew Bible and Second Temple Jewish literature.

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