Chapter 9 Participants Converse: Rabbi Giuseppe Laras and Monseigneur Giovanni Ferro. The Power of Interreligious Dialogue

In: Jews in Dialogue
Miriam Jaskierowicz Arman
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Simona Stillitano
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Interreligious dialogue is fundamental to an integrated, whole, and healthy society. This paper presents two spiritual leaders of interfaith dialogue and introduces an initiative inspired by their example. The paper comes as a result of a conference in Reggio Calabria dedicated to human rights and commemorating the interfaith works of Rabbi Giuseppe Laras (Milan) and Monseigneur Ferro (Reggio Calabria). Both men have spent lifetimes striving to engage different communities in dialogue with each other, above all by finding practical remedies for age-old, stereotypical misconceptions. This article elaborates on the goals and findings of the conference, and it confronts various arguments on specific problems in the Italian social strata of Jewish Orthodoxy and Christianity.

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Jews in Dialogue

Jewish Responses to the Challenges of Multicultural Contemporaneity. Free Ebrei Volume 2

Series:  Studies in Jewish History and Culture, Volume: 61 and  Free Ebrei, Volume: 61


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