Chapter 10 Global Dao

The Making of Transnational Yiguandao

In: Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion. Volume 11 (2020)
Nikolas Broy
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This paper seeks to explore how the religious movement Yiguandao (“Way of Pervading Unity”) is building a transnational and transcultural network through its global missionary work. Building on ethnographic data from fieldwork conducted in Taiwan, Austria, South Africa, the US, and Japan in 2016–2018 as well as on published Yiguandao materials and online resources, this contribution seeks to explore the global spread of Yiguandao from three different angles: first, by exploring the overall development of Yiguandao’s global proselytization from the mid-1940s to the present; second, by taking a micro look at the history and activities of a particular congregation belonging to Andong division and located in Vienna, Austria; and third, by analyzing six patterns of transnational development and transculturation.

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