Chapter 8 Representing the King: The Images of João IV of Portugal (1640–1652)

In: Revolts and Political Violence in Early Modern Imagery
Joana Fraga
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In any polity, the exercise of authority is inseparable from the forms and media in which that authority is represented. Visualizing power was, as a result, a fundamental concern of early modern rulers, and the first king of the newly enthroned Portuguese dynasty of the Braganza proved no exception. This chapter explores the complexities of the construction of the royal image of João [John] of Braganza after the separatist revolt of 1640 against the Spanish monarchy and its political repercussions in Europe. The working hypothesis of the chapter is that the first representative of the new dynasty understood both the pressing need to create an official image and its use as a legitimacy tool, especially outside the kingdom.

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