Human Rights Documents Online

The largest online database of international human rights issues.

Access more than 77,000 documents from nongovernmental human rights organizations (NGOs) such as Arab Organization for Human Rights, Central American Association of Relatives of the Detained-Disappeared, Association of African Women for Research and Development, The World Health Organization (WHO), and over 700 others worldwide. Timely topics such as public health climate change, children’s rights, and technology, are among the 300 subject areas covered in the database.

This collection of “grey literature”— research produced by organizations outside of commercial and academic publishing, such as working papers, evaluations, etc. — and other primary source material has been collected since 1980 by Human Rights Internet and includes select documents back to 1967. The database enables researchers to search through a vast amount of reports on human rights issues that otherwise would not be retrievable from the country of origin, and in some cases, directly from countries where human rights are challenged.

Features and Benefits
- Full text search.
- Updated annually, including both supplemented and new titles.
- Makes hard to identify “grey literature” material available from NGOs concerned with human rights and social justice.
- Includes both published and unpublished documents in various languages.
- Covers a broad range of human rights issues.
- Represents the concerns of all groups in all regions of the world.

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