Philipp Melanchthon Online

Theologian and Humanist

• Number of titles: 31
• Languages used: German and Latin
• Title list available
• MARC records are available
Location of originals: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München; Herzog August Bibliotek, Wolfenbüttel; Melanchthonhaus, Bretten; Amsterdam University Library, Amsterdam

This collection focuses on three types of literature in the Melanchthon corpus. First, it especially includes works not contained in more recent collections of Melanchthon’s works (i.e., the Corpus Reformatorum, Supplementa Melanchthoniana, and Melanchthon Studien Ausgabe). Second, it preserves important earlier printings of works, which have been hitherto unavailable in modern sources, especially where these differ radically from later editions. Third, it contains a copy of the four volume Opera omnia, both to indicate the materials available immediately after Melanchthon’s death and to give readers access to the only index of his more well-known theological works.

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