This paper uses the tragedies of Euripides as evidence for a reconsideration of the topography of the Athenian cults of Apollo, particularly Apollo Pythios, Hypoakraios, and Delphinios. Euripides’ references to these cults are generally well known among topographers of Athens, but they are typically considered only as disembodied quotations. However, reading and analysing the literary sources more deeply as unitary wholes can enrich and complicate the traditional debates about the topography of these cults.
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This paper uses the tragedies of Euripides as evidence for a reconsideration of the topography of the Athenian cults of Apollo, particularly Apollo Pythios, Hypoakraios, and Delphinios. Euripides’ references to these cults are generally well known among topographers of Athens, but they are typically considered only as disembodied quotations. However, reading and analysing the literary sources more deeply as unitary wholes can enrich and complicate the traditional debates about the topography of these cults.
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