This article consists of an analysis of an imported bronze vessel, found in the East Catacomb of the Berdyansk Barrow – a funerary monument of one of the Scythian nomarchs in the region north of the Sea of Azov. The wide range of cited parallels from Scythian sites and sites of other cultures makes it possible to assume that the oinochoe and the basin from the Berdyansk Barrow belonged to one and the same set of imported metal vessels. ‘Services’ of this kind were used by representatives of the highest social stratum of various peoples of the Scythian period. The finds from the Berdyansk Barrow date from the 5th or early-4th century BC.
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Boltryk 1997, 4; Fialko 1997, 15; Fialko 2004, 157.
Mantsevich 1987, 125; Alekseev 2003, 261.
Kubyšev 1996.
Cherednichenko & Fialko 1988.
Weber 1983, 130-137.
Kravchenko 1969, 274 ff., Fig. 1 (without a date); Bulatovich 1970, 73, Note 2 (with a reference to an attribution by Z.A. Bilimovich); Shtitelman 1977, Figs. 59-60; Greek and Cypriot Antiquities 2001, No. 107 (second quarter of the 5th century BC); Cat. Krakow 2006, 204, No. 30, second quarter of the 5th century BC).
Weber 1983, 113, 347, No. II.E.8.
Archibald 1998, 279, 333. In a recently published work devoted to Greek imports into the lower reaches of the Danube, E. Teleaga included in his catalogue five bronze vessels of this kind, noting that most of them came from assemblages dating from the mid- or late-4th century BC, although vessels of this shape of earlier date have been recorded as well (Teleaga 2008, 258, 445, Nos. 970-974).
Lordkipanidze 1974, 936, 940, Fig. 29; Tolordava 1976, 75, Plate 118; 1977, 50, No. 10; Lordkipanidze 1983, Plate 58, No. 562; Lordkipanidze 1995, Plate 75, 2; Bill 2003, 114, 162, No. 28; Plate 26, 1-2.
Cat. Trieste 2002, 232, No. 55.
Zimi & Sideris 2003, 46, Plate 18a.
Dimitrova 2008, 224-225, Fig. 9. A preliminary publication has been devoted to the finds from this barrow, but the shape of the lower attachment on the oinochoe handle is not clear in the published photograph.
Vickers & Kakhidze 2004, 169, 180, 344, Fig. 128.
Robinson 1941, 206, No. 661, Plate LV. After the article has been finished, there appeared the publication of rescue excavations of Tumulus C at Yündolan near Kirklareli in South-eastern Thrace. The cist grave in the tumulus, which is dated by the red-figured bell-krater and black-glazed bowls to the middle of the 4th century BC yielded the find of a bronze handle, which is extremely similar to the discussed piece found in the Berdyansk Barrow. See: Delemen et al. 2010, 94, 96, No. M9; 103, Fig. 10.
Stibbe 1992, 46.
Treister & Puklina 2006, 73.
von Bothmer 1965, 605.
Jurgeit 1999, 341, No. 555.
Treister & Zhuravlev 2009, Figs. 3 and 6.
Ganina 1970, 82, Fig. 4 [lower attachment. of a handle]; Fig. 5 [general view]; Fig. 6 [Top: the upper attachment of a handle]; Fuchs 1978, 115, Plate 22; Galanina & Grach 1986, Figs. 102-103; Cat. Schleswig 1991, 313, No. 103h; Cat. San Antonio 1999, 199–201, No. 86.
Fuchs 1978, 115.
Cat. Malibu 1994, 59-60, No. 19.
Hundt & Peters 1961, 103, No. 454, Plate 56; Lullies 1963, 732; Höckmann 1972, 21-22, No. 25, Pol. 6; Weber 1983, 339, No. II.D.1.
Weber 1983, 133.
Weber 1983, 320-321, No. II.C.1.
Weber 1983, 325-326, No. II.C.9.
Picard 1959, 52, Figs. 19-20; Weber 1983, 326–329, No. II.C.11, 13-14.
Cat. Thessaloniki 1978, No. 110, Plate 23; Andronicos 1984, 152–153, Figs. 115-116; Cat. Berlin 2002, 435-436, No. 296.
Mozolevskii 1979, 65, No. 123, Figs. 48-49.
Bidzilya 1971, 42. Unpublished. Kiev, Museum of Historical Treasures, Inv. No. AЗC–2787.
See in general: Ksenofontova 1992, 163 ff.; Ksenofontova 2001, 124. See: the basin from Barrow No 1: Cat. Moscow 1987, No. 107, Fig. 42; Leskov 1990, 178, No. 57, Figs. 61-62; Cat. Moscow 2002, No. 617, Moscow, State Museum of Oriental Art, Inv. No. 569 M-IV. The basin from Barrow No. 4: Cat. Moscow 1987, No. 106, Plate XI; Cat. Mannheim 1989, No. 106, Plate 11; Leskov 1990, 191, No. 226, Figs. 63-64; Cat. Speyer 1991, No. 106; Ksenofontova 1986, 172-174; Cat. Moscow 2002, No. 619; Leskov et al. 2005, 18, No. 14, Fig. 34, 14; coloured plate Moscow, State Museum of Oriental Art, Inv. No. 567 M-IV.
Paunov & Torbov 2000, 171, Fig. 5; Torbov 2005, 84, 101-102, No. 74; Teleaga 2008, 52, 454, No. 1033, Plate 116, 1-3; 196, 1-2 (360-330 BC).
Tolordava 1986, 85, No. 8, Plates 65, 1; 67, 1.3; Bill 2003, 114, Plate 183, 7. Tbilisi, State Museum of Georgia, Inv. No. 07-1:78/1043.
Marazov 1978, 147-149. Cf. Galanina 1969, 92-103: second half of the 4th century BC, Ionian style; Galanina 1980, 34-35, 82-83, No. 14, Plate. VIII.
Cat. Montreal 1987, 206, No. 341; Cat. Saint Louis 1998, 225, No. 177; Cat. Bonn 2004, 197, No. 226e; Cat. Paris 2006, 78, No. 16.
Kunze 1967, 160 ff., Plates 88-95; Born & Hansen 1994, 61 ff., 143, Fig. 106
Kunze 1967, 163f.
von Bothmer 1985, 134-137, No. 25; Isler 1994, 111.
Born & Hansen 1994, 155, Fig. 108; Kull 1997, 282, 284, Fig. 40, 7.
Rolley 1982, 50-52, Plate XVI, No.s 70-72, 74-75.
Rolley 1982, 50, No. 1; 54; Gauer 1991, 261, Hy33, Plate 91, 3.
Rolley 1982, 50-52, Plate XVI, No. 73.
Rolley 1982, 54, Plate XVI, No. 75.
Cat. Malibu 1994, 116, No. 51.
Puschi & Winter 1902, 114-116, Figs. 28-29.
Adam 1984, 6, No. 7.
Weber 1983, 137-139; 339-342.
Picard 1959, 53, 55, Fig. 21; Hundt & Peters 1961, 103; Werber 1983, 339-340, No. II.D.2-3.
De Ridder 1894, 13, No. 34; Weber 1983, 339-340, No. II.D.5.
Hundt & Peters 1961, 103, No. 454, Plate 56; Lullies 1963, 732; Höckmann 1972, 21-22, No. 25, Plate 6; Weber 1983, 339, No. II.D.1.
Gercke 1981, 79ff., No. 40; Weber 1983, 342, No. II.D.6.
von Schneider 1892, 50, No. 72; Weber 1983, 342, No. II.D.6.
De Puma 1986, 96-97, No. SB 16, Fig. 33, Plate 45b.
Weber 1983, 339-341, No. II.D.1.3.4.
Weber 1983, 138, Note 3.
Wroth 1894, 160, Nos. 41-44, Plate XXXII, 12-14; Bodenstedt 1981, Plate 18, 4: My 37; Plate 23, 1: 57 Vsb.
Wroth 1894, 43, Plate VIII, 13, 15. It is interesting that the tradition for depicting opposing heads of animals (cows, bulls, wild boars) on the coins of Lesbos can be traced back as far as the second half of the 6th century BC. On the Kebren coins from Troy these depictions are found on silver obols of the 5th century BC and on bronze coins of the 4th century BC.
Weber 1983, 138-139.
See, for example, Vasilev 1988, 101-103, Figs. 83-84; Puklina & Treister 2006, 68, 70, Fig. 4, 4-5.
Fundukleï 1848, 18, Plate XI; Onaïko 1966, 63, No. 215, Plate XVII, 5; Ganina 1970, 37, Fig. 38; Shtitelman 1971, 42-43, Figs. 5-6; Shtitelman 1977, Figs. 57-58.
Khvoïka 1904, 712; Onaïko 1966, 63, No. 214, Plate XVII, 4.
Fundukleï, 1848, 13.
Tresiter 2006, 144, Fig. 6.
Ostroshchenko & Rassamkin 1984, 50.
Rolle 1979, Plate 19, 2; Mantsevich 1987, No. 76.
Onaïko 1966, 57, No. 21, Plate XVII, 6.
Onaïko 1966, 57, No. 22.
Mozolevskiï 1979, 65, No. 123, Figs. 48-49.
Bidzilya 1971, 42. Unpublished, Kiev, Museum of Historical Treasures, Inv. No. AЗC-2787.
Marazov 1978, 147-149. Cf. Galanina 1969, 92-103: second half of the 4th century BC, Ionian style; Galanina 1980. 34-35, 82-83, No. 14, Plate VIII.
Liberov 1965, 95, Plate 28, 19; 97, Plate 29, 1; Puzikova 1995, Plate 12 top right; Puzikova 2001, 144, Fig. 3, 16.
Liberov 1965, 97, Plate 29, 7-8; Puzikova 1995, Plate 13.
Kovalev & Polin 1991, 45, Fig. 7, 3; 48, No. 4.
Reinach 1892, XVIII-XXI.
Il’inskaya & Terenozhkin 1983, 212; cf. Grach 1984, 100.
Grach 1984, 108, Note 3.
Galanina 1980, 34.
Mantsevich 1987, 100.
Fialko 1996, 188-190.
Vani, Burial No. 15: Tolordava 1986, 85, No. 8, Plate 65, 1; 67, 1; 1.3; Bill 2003, 114, Plate 183, 7.
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This article consists of an analysis of an imported bronze vessel, found in the East Catacomb of the Berdyansk Barrow – a funerary monument of one of the Scythian nomarchs in the region north of the Sea of Azov. The wide range of cited parallels from Scythian sites and sites of other cultures makes it possible to assume that the oinochoe and the basin from the Berdyansk Barrow belonged to one and the same set of imported metal vessels. ‘Services’ of this kind were used by representatives of the highest social stratum of various peoples of the Scythian period. The finds from the Berdyansk Barrow date from the 5th or early-4th century BC.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 510 | 32 | 7 |
Full Text Views | 213 | 2 | 1 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 57 | 5 | 4 |