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Editor in Chief
Thornton C. Lockwood (Quinnipiac University)

Associate Editors
Carol Atack (Newnham College, University of Cambridge)
Daniela Cammack (UC Berkeley)
Benjamin Gray (Birkbeck College, University of London)
Daniel Kapust (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Manuel Knoll (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
Elizabeth K. Markovits (Mount Holyoke College)
Dimitri El Murr (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Université Paris Sciences et Lettres)
Matt Simonton (Arizona State University)

Book Reviews Editor
Matt Simonton (Arizona State University)

Katherine Molesworth

Editorial Board
Chris Bobonich (Stanford University)
Paul A. Cartledge (University of Cambridge, Emeritus)
Kyriakos Demetriou (University of Cyprus)
Dean Hammer (Franklin and Marshall College)
Verity Harte (Yale University)
George Klosko (University of Virginia)
Melissa Lane (Princeton University)
Polly Low (Durham University)
Paul Ludwig (St John’s College)
Mark J. Lutz (University of Nevada, Director, Society for Greek Political Thought)
Marina Berzins McCoy (Boston College)
Josiah Ober (Stanford University)
Thomas L. Pangle (University of Texas at Austin)
Arlene Saxonhouse (Emerita, University of Michigan)
Catherine Steel (University of Glasgow)
Harvey Yunis (Rice University)
Catherine Zuckert (University of Notre Dame, Emerita)

Editor-in-Chief Emeriti
1975-1985: Dale Hall
1986-2002: Peter Nicholson
2003-2019: Kyriakos Demetriou
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Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought

Thornton C. Lockwood
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Polis (AGPT) was founded in 1977 to provide a forum for publication to scholars specializing in what was then a neglected sub-field – ancient Greek political thought. In the years since, Polis has expanded its coverage to include Hellenistic and Roman political thought. Over the years Polis evolved into a fully-fledged academic journal that publishes material of interest to those who study ancient Greek and Roman political thought broadly understood, whether they do so as classicists, ancient historians, philosophers, intellectual historians, or political scientists. Polis also welcomes articles on the reception of ancient Greek and Roman political thought in Europe, America, or elsewhere. Since its inception the journal speaks for no particular perspective or methodology and it is devoted to the publication of original papers, even though extensive literature reviews, critiques of contemporary research, and review essays are also included.

Polis publishes contributions written in English, French and German. Submissions are peer-reviewed, and an editorial decision is made on the basis of these reviews. The views and opinions expressed in peer-reviewed articles published in Polis are those of the authors and do not reflect the position of the journal.

The Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca classifies Polis as a Class A journal in Area 14/B1, History of Political Thought.
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