In 1957, eight intact and well-preserved lustre-painted ceramics were found in a cache during the excavation of a private residence at Ghazni by the Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan. The lustre-painted stonepaste specimens were retrieved from a sealed archaeological context. They were certainly imported from Iran between the mid-12th and the early 13th century and therefore constitute an exceptional example of a collection of lustrewares assembled shortly after their production date. However, the vessels remain understudied and got lost during the second half of the 20th century, as it happened to many other finds from the same site. For the first time, the present paper offers a thorough analysis of this lot, its stylistic and epigraphic features, based on the graphic and photographic documentation dating from the time of the excavation and on extensive comparisons with specimens kept in international collections.
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AKM = Aga Khan Museum:
ASIA.SI = Smithsonian’s National Museum of Asian Art:
ASH = Ashmolean Museum:
BM = British Museum:
Bonhams (2006) = Bonhams, Islamic & Indian Art, lot 151. London:
BURR = Burrell Collection—Glasgow Museums:
Christie’s (2004) = Christie’s, auction 6895, lot 297. London:
Christie’s (2006) = Christie’s, auction 7263, lot 51. London:
Christie’s (2009) = Christie’s, auction 2835, lot 201. Amsterdam:
Christie’s (2014) = Christie’s, auction 5526, lot 160. London:
CMA = Cleveland Museum of Art:
DAVID = David Collection:
FITZ = Fitzwilliam Museum:
GARDNER = Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum:
HARVARD = Harvard Art Museums:
KUNST = Kunstmuseum den Haag:
LOUVRE = Musée du Louvre:
MET = The Metropolitan Museum of Art:
MFAH = Museum of Fine Arts of Houston:
MIC = Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza:
PHILA = Philadelphia Museum of Art:
ROM = Royal Ontario Museum:
Sotheby’s (2006) = Sotheby’s, Arts of the Islamic World, lot 87. London:
Sotheby’s (2007) = Sotheby’s, sale number L07222, lot 102. London:
Sotheby’s (2012 a) = Sotheby’s sale number L12223, lot 163. London:
Sotheby’s (2012b) = Sotheby’s, sale number L12223, lot 169. London:
V&A = Victoria & Albert Museum:
Walters = The Walters Art Museum:
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 518 | 165 | 38 |
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In 1957, eight intact and well-preserved lustre-painted ceramics were found in a cache during the excavation of a private residence at Ghazni by the Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan. The lustre-painted stonepaste specimens were retrieved from a sealed archaeological context. They were certainly imported from Iran between the mid-12th and the early 13th century and therefore constitute an exceptional example of a collection of lustrewares assembled shortly after their production date. However, the vessels remain understudied and got lost during the second half of the 20th century, as it happened to many other finds from the same site. For the first time, the present paper offers a thorough analysis of this lot, its stylistic and epigraphic features, based on the graphic and photographic documentation dating from the time of the excavation and on extensive comparisons with specimens kept in international collections.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 518 | 165 | 38 |
Full Text Views | 27 | 9 | 1 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 71 | 23 | 3 |