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Claus-Christian Carbon Bamberg, Germany
Robert Pepperell Cardiff, UK
Johan Wagemans Leuven, Belgium

Founding Editor
Baingio Pinna Alghero, Italy

Editor Social Media
Maarten Wijntjes, Delft, The Netherlands

Editorial Board
Liliana Albertazzi Rovereto, Italy
Marco Bertamini Liverpool , UK
Dario Gamboni Geneva, Switzerland
Alan Gilchrist Newark, NJ, USA
Daniel Graham Geneva, NY, USA
Martin Kemp Oxford, UK
Frederic Fol Leymarie London, UK
Alva Noë Berkeley CA, USA
Aude Oliva Cambridge, MA, USA
Steve Palmer Berkeley, CA, USA
Thomas Papathomas Piscataway, NJ, USA
Pietro Perona Pasadena, CA, USA
Frank E Pollick Glasgow, UK
Christopher W. Tyler San Francisco, CA, USA
Johannes Zanker Egham, Surrey, UK
Daniele Zavagno Milano, Italy
Art & Architecture Source
Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science)

Art & Perception

an international journal of art and perception science

Claus-Christian Carbon
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Robert Pepperell
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Johan Wagemans
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2023 Impact Factor: 1,1
5 Year Impact Factor: 0,9

The main objective of Art & Perception is to provide a high-quality platform to publish new artwork and research in the multi-disciplinary emerging bridge between art and perception. As such it aims to become the top venue to explore the links between the science of perception and the arts, and to bring together artists, researchers, scholars and students in a unified community that can cooperate, discuss and develop new scientific perspectives in this complex and intriguing new field.

The purpose is not to minimize or erase the differences between the arts and sciences, which are grounded in venerable histories that are in many ways necessarily distinct. Rather, the ambition of the journal is to combine the differing methods and insights of artists and scientists in order to expand our knowledge of art and perceptual experience in a way that neither could do alone.

Art & Perception will serve those across several areas of science studying the way works of art and design affect us perceptually, cognitively, or physiologically. The editors are also keen to receive submissions from practicing artists, and those in related fields of history and theory, which offer an artistic perspective on perception.
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