Reiki practitioners commonly claim to channel a power called reiki that is capable of physical, mental, and spiritual healing. Prior scholarship has assumed that the concept of reiki has remained similar from Reiki’s founding in 1922 Japan to the present day, when it is practiced worldwide. This article presents a genealogy of reiki from Reiki’s early days in Japan to its adaptations for the Japanese American community of Hawai‘i in the 1930s and for white Americans in the postwar decades, and its return to Japan in the 1980s. It shows that, over time, reiki became understood as “energy,” in part as an appeal to scientific authority, and as “universal,” in the dual sense that it pervades the cosmos and is accessible to all people. In the back-translation of “universal energy” into Japanese, this double meaning of “universal” in English was lost but, as “universe energy” (uchū enerugii), took on new, extraterrestrial connotations.
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Andō Kason 安東禾村. 1922. Ishi ryōhō katsuryoku zōshin no hiketsu 意志療法活力増進の秘訣. Tokyo: Nihon Hyōronsha Shuppanbu.
Atkinson, William Walker. 1911. Vril, or Vital Magnetism. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Company.
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Deacon, James. 2010. “Takata-Sensei—on Reiki.” The Takata-Files. Vol. 2. Version 1.03. Accessed May 19, 2019.
Doi Hiroshi 土居裕. 2005. Reiki: Uchū ni michiru enerugii レイキ:宇宙に満ちるエネルギー. Tokyo: Motonari Shuppansha.
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Mochizuki Toshitaka. 1997. Uchū enerugii—“reiki” no kiseki 宇宙エネルギー「レイキ」の奇跡. Tokyo: Goma Shobō.
Mochizuki Toshitaka. 2001. Chō-kantan iyashi no te: Futsuka de “ki” ga deru “reiki” katsuyō-hō 超カンタン癒しの手:2日で“気”が出る「レイキ」活用法. Tokyo: Tama Shuppan.
Nishina Masaki. 2017. Reiki and Japan: A Cultural View of Western and Japanese Reiki. Edited by Amanda Jayne. 2017-A ed. Middletown, DE: self-published.
Nukariya Kaiten 忽滑谷快天. 1913. Yōki renshin no jikken 養気錬心乃実験. Tokyo: Tōadō Shobō.
Okada Masayuki 岡田正之. 1927. “Reihō chōso Usui-sensei kudoku no hi” 霊法肇祖臼井先生功徳之碑. Accessed March 12, 2019.
Ramacharaka, Yogi. 1904. The Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath: A Complete Manual of the Oriental Breathing Philosophy of Physical, Mental, Psychic, and Spiritual Development. Chicago: Yogi Publication Society.
Ramacharaka, Yogi. 1906a. The Science of Psychic Healing. Chicago: Yogi Publication Society.
Ramacharaka, Yogi. 1906b. A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga. Chicago: Yogi Publication Society.
Ramacharaka, Yogi ラマチャラカ. 1915. Shin kokyū kyōken jutsu 深呼吸強健術. Translated by Matsuda Usaburō 松田卯三郎. Tokyo: Daigaku Kan.
Ramacharaka, Yogi. 1916. Saishin seishin ryōhō 最新精神療法. Translated by Matsuda Reiyō 松田霊洋 [Matsuda Usaburō 松田卯三郎]. Tokyo: Kōhōsha.
Ramacharaka, Yogi. 1924. Kenshin roku 研心録. Translated by Ninomiya Mineo 二宮 峰男. Tokyo: Jitsugyō no Nihon-sha.
Ray, Barbara Weber. 1983. The Reiki Factor: A Guide to Natural Healing, Helping, and Wholeness. Smithtown, NY: Exposition Press.
Ray, Barbara バーバラ•レイ. 1987. Reiki ryōhō: Uchū enerugii no katsuyō レイキ療法—宇宙エネルギーの活用. Translated by Mitsui Mieko 三井三重子. Tokyo: TAMA Publishing.
Takagi Hidesuke 高木秀輔. 1925. Danjiki-hō oyobi reiki-jutsu kōgi 断食法及霊気術講義. Yamaguchi City: Reidō Kyūsei-kai.
Takai Shiomi 高井志生海. 1986. “Henshūbu no fushigi taiken repōto #28—‘reiki chiryō’ no rūtsu o saguru—usui-shiki reiki ryōhō to wa?” 編集部の不思議体験レポート#28—「レイキ治療」のルーツを探るー臼井式霊気療法とは? Towairaito zōn, April, 140–143.
Takata, Hawayo. 1981. “Reiki Is God-Power: The Story of Hawayo K. Takata.” Edited by Helen J. Haberly. Unpublished transcript of a series of audio recordings from December 12–19, 1979.
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Usui Mikao 臼井甕男. N.d. [ca. 1922]. “Kōkan denju setsumei” 公開伝授説明. In Reiki ryōhō hikkei 霊気療法必携. Tokyo: Shinshin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryōhō Gakkai. Accessed March 12, 2019.霊気療法必携/.
Yamada Shin’ichi 山田信一. 1921. Yamada-shiki seitai kōgi-roku dai-ikkan: Purana ryōhō 山田式整体講義録第1巻:プラナ療法. Tokyo: Yamada-shiki Seitaijutsu Kōshūjo.
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Beeler, Dori. 2017. “Reiki as Surrender: Evidence of an External Authority.” Journal of Contemporary Religion 32 (3): 465–478.
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Reiki practitioners commonly claim to channel a power called reiki that is capable of physical, mental, and spiritual healing. Prior scholarship has assumed that the concept of reiki has remained similar from Reiki’s founding in 1922 Japan to the present day, when it is practiced worldwide. This article presents a genealogy of reiki from Reiki’s early days in Japan to its adaptations for the Japanese American community of Hawai‘i in the 1930s and for white Americans in the postwar decades, and its return to Japan in the 1980s. It shows that, over time, reiki became understood as “energy,” in part as an appeal to scientific authority, and as “universal,” in the dual sense that it pervades the cosmos and is accessible to all people. In the back-translation of “universal energy” into Japanese, this double meaning of “universal” in English was lost but, as “universe energy” (uchū enerugii), took on new, extraterrestrial connotations.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 4638 | 3027 | 2092 |
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