Migrants have played a crucial role in shaping the history of Australian society and its development, particularly after 1975, when Australia formally dismantled its White Australia Policy and welcomed immigrants from around the world. Since then, millions of immigrants from non-English-speaking backgrounds have settled in Australia. This review aims to critically discuss the main challenges that many of these immigrants face as part of their integration process in Australia. For this research, various large and relevant databases were considered and searched. And by applying ‘inclusion and exclusion criteria’, fifty-six major articles published between 1975 to 2021 were selected for critical review and analysis. The findings of this research indicate that, while there have been changes to streamline the process of integration and improve services, five clusters of major challenges have confronted immigrants since 1975: the labour market, racism and discrimination, the language barrier, social connections and housing and accommodation.
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De Anstiss, H., H. Savelsberg and T. Ziaian. 2018. ‘Relationships in a New Country: A Qualitative Study of the Social Connections of Refugee Youth Resettled in South Australia’, Journal of Youth Studies 22 (3): 346–362.
Debela, N. 2012. ‘Political Crossroads Challenges and Successes of Ethiopian Refugees in Australia’, 19 (1): 65–75.
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Dion, K.K. 2010. ‘Understanding Immigrants’ Experiences: Reflections on Ken Dion’s Research Contributions’, Journal of Social Issues, 66 (4): 648–652.
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All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 3395 | 2420 | 82 |
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PDF Views & Downloads | 1557 | 211 | 15 |
Migrants have played a crucial role in shaping the history of Australian society and its development, particularly after 1975, when Australia formally dismantled its White Australia Policy and welcomed immigrants from around the world. Since then, millions of immigrants from non-English-speaking backgrounds have settled in Australia. This review aims to critically discuss the main challenges that many of these immigrants face as part of their integration process in Australia. For this research, various large and relevant databases were considered and searched. And by applying ‘inclusion and exclusion criteria’, fifty-six major articles published between 1975 to 2021 were selected for critical review and analysis. The findings of this research indicate that, while there have been changes to streamline the process of integration and improve services, five clusters of major challenges have confronted immigrants since 1975: the labour market, racism and discrimination, the language barrier, social connections and housing and accommodation.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 3395 | 2420 | 82 |
Full Text Views | 913 | 95 | 5 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 1557 | 211 | 15 |