While scholarly treatments of Paul rightly understand his cosmology and anthropology as interconnected, two disjunctive tendencies are seldom reconciled. On the one hand, there is a general trend toward viewing Paul’s cosmology through the lens of a Jewish apocalypticism that is dualistically configured; on the other, Paul’s anthropology is usually seen as essentially monistic. This paper redresses this dualism/monism incongruence. By locating Paul within an overlapping matrix of Jewish and Greek traditions of antiquity, we can see the apostle as working within a dualistic framework that is characterized by partitive interrelation rather than opposition. This argument is conceptualized and articulated with an eye toward notions of folk dualism, which cognitive scientists suggest is a natural by-product of human embodiment. Attention is specifically given to 1 Cor. 15:30–50, where Paul envisions a risen existence that is cosmologically and somatically fashioned vis-à-vis such integrative tension.
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See especially Käsemann 1969.
See especially Tannehill 1967.
So noted by Fletcher-Louis 2011: 2.1577–88; see especially 2.1586.
So noted in Wasserman 2008: 52–53.
See further Slingerland 2013.
So argued in Segal 1990: 53; contra Nickelsburg 1999: 800.
For a full discussion, see Segal 1990: 34–71.
See especially Engberg-Pedersen 2010: 20.
Burkert 1998: 70–71; see also Martin 1995: 115–20.
Cf. Kooten 2008: 64–66; see also Kooten 2010.
Noted in Pearson 1973: 19.
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While scholarly treatments of Paul rightly understand his cosmology and anthropology as interconnected, two disjunctive tendencies are seldom reconciled. On the one hand, there is a general trend toward viewing Paul’s cosmology through the lens of a Jewish apocalypticism that is dualistically configured; on the other, Paul’s anthropology is usually seen as essentially monistic. This paper redresses this dualism/monism incongruence. By locating Paul within an overlapping matrix of Jewish and Greek traditions of antiquity, we can see the apostle as working within a dualistic framework that is characterized by partitive interrelation rather than opposition. This argument is conceptualized and articulated with an eye toward notions of folk dualism, which cognitive scientists suggest is a natural by-product of human embodiment. Attention is specifically given to 1 Cor. 15:30–50, where Paul envisions a risen existence that is cosmologically and somatically fashioned vis-à-vis such integrative tension.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 264 | 52 | 3 |
Full Text Views | 49 | 2 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 65 | 6 | 1 |