Heat-treated lactic acid bacteria is added to some foods because it is easier to store and transport, and have less interference with other food ingredient compared with living lactic acid bacteria. We have reported that oral administration of heat-treated Lactobacillus crispatus KT-11 strain (KT-11) suppressed the symptoms of periodontal disease in mice orally infected with Porphyromonas gingivalis. However, the preventive effect of KT-11 on periodontal disease in human is unclear. The aim of this randomised double-blind clinical trial was to examine the effects of KT-11 consumption on the oral environment in healthy volunteers. Sixteen healthy volunteers were randomly assigned to two groups (KT-11 or placebo), and they consumed a KT-11 food tablet (1.2×1010 KT-11 cells) or a placebo food tablet (without KT-11) every day for 4 weeks. Clinical parameters including numbers of major periodontopathic bacteria in saliva, plaque score, gum conditions, and oral mucosal fluid level were evaluated at weeks 0 and 4. Amount of change in P. gingivalis numbers decreased in the KT-11 group compared to that in the placebo group at week 4. Female participants in the KT-11 group had decreased plaque scores, reddish tinge, and gingival swelling scores compared to those in the placebo group at week 4. Furthermore, male participants in the KT-11 group demonstrated increased oral mucosa fluid scores. These clinical findings suggest that daily KT-11 intake can prevent periodontal disease through the improvement of oral conditions.
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Heat-treated lactic acid bacteria is added to some foods because it is easier to store and transport, and have less interference with other food ingredient compared with living lactic acid bacteria. We have reported that oral administration of heat-treated Lactobacillus crispatus KT-11 strain (KT-11) suppressed the symptoms of periodontal disease in mice orally infected with Porphyromonas gingivalis. However, the preventive effect of KT-11 on periodontal disease in human is unclear. The aim of this randomised double-blind clinical trial was to examine the effects of KT-11 consumption on the oral environment in healthy volunteers. Sixteen healthy volunteers were randomly assigned to two groups (KT-11 or placebo), and they consumed a KT-11 food tablet (1.2×1010 KT-11 cells) or a placebo food tablet (without KT-11) every day for 4 weeks. Clinical parameters including numbers of major periodontopathic bacteria in saliva, plaque score, gum conditions, and oral mucosal fluid level were evaluated at weeks 0 and 4. Amount of change in P. gingivalis numbers decreased in the KT-11 group compared to that in the placebo group at week 4. Female participants in the KT-11 group had decreased plaque scores, reddish tinge, and gingival swelling scores compared to those in the placebo group at week 4. Furthermore, male participants in the KT-11 group demonstrated increased oral mucosa fluid scores. These clinical findings suggest that daily KT-11 intake can prevent periodontal disease through the improvement of oral conditions.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 511 | 494 | 101 |
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