Biblische Zeitschrift, founded in 1903, is one of the leading international journals in Biblical Studies. Contributions are published in German, English and French. The primary aim of the journal is to further the understanding of the Biblical texts, both of the Old and the New Testament. Articles focus on philological or text-critical issues, raise questions of historical and cultural contextualisation or concentrate on literary, hermeneutical or theological issues – to name only a few of the relevant aspects. Each volume also contains book reviews to help scholars as well as everyone interested in Biblical Studies to keep informed in the ever-developing field of study.
Biblische Zeitschrift calls researchers to submit excellent monographs and conference volumes in German, English and French for its newly founded series
Biblische Zeitschrift Supplements (BZ Sup).
Editors Prof. Dr. Ruth Scoralick (Tübingen, Germany) (Old Testament)
Prof. Dr. Christoph Gregor Müller (Fulda, Germany) (New Testament)
ArticleFirst, vol.47, no.1, 2003-vol.54, no.2, 2010
Arts and Humanities Citation Index
ATLA Religion Database (American Theological Library Association), 1960-2016
Current Contents: Arts and Humanities
Dietrich's Index Philosophicus
IBZ - Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur
Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur
Linguistic Bibliography
New Testament Abstracts
Old Testament Abstracts
Personal Alert (E-mail)
Religious & Theological Abstracts, 1968
If you are interested in publishing in the Biblische Zeitschrift, please contact the editors directly:
Old Testament: Prof. Dr. Ruth Scoralick
Universität Tübingen
Kath. Theol. Fakultät
Liebermeisterstr. 12
72076 Tübingen
New Testament: Prof. Dr. Christoph Gregor Müller
Theologische Fakultät Fulda
Eduard-Schick-Platz 2
36037 Fulda
If you are interested in publishing in the Biblische Zeitschrift, please contact the editors directly:
Old Testament: Prof. Dr. Ruth Scoralick
Universität Tübingen
Kath. Theol. Fakultät
Liebermeisterstr. 12
72076 Tübingen
New Testament: Prof. Dr. Christoph Gregor Müller
Theologische Fakultät Fulda
Eduard-Schick-Platz 2
36037 Fulda
Editors Prof. Dr. Ruth Scoralick (Tübingen, Germany) (Old Testament)
Prof. Dr. Christoph Gregor Müller (Fulda, Germany) (New Testament)
ArticleFirst, vol.47, no.1, 2003-vol.54, no.2, 2010
Arts and Humanities Citation Index
ATLA Religion Database (American Theological Library Association), 1960-2016
Current Contents: Arts and Humanities
Dietrich's Index Philosophicus
IBZ - Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur
Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur
Linguistic Bibliography
New Testament Abstracts
Old Testament Abstracts
Personal Alert (E-mail)
Religious & Theological Abstracts, 1968
Biblische Zeitschrift, founded in 1903, is one of the leading international journals in Biblical Studies. Contributions are published in German, English and French. The primary aim of the journal is to further the understanding of the Biblical texts, both of the Old and the New Testament. Articles focus on philological or text-critical issues, raise questions of historical and cultural contextualisation or concentrate on literary, hermeneutical or theological issues – to name only a few of the relevant aspects. Each volume also contains book reviews to help scholars as well as everyone interested in Biblical Studies to keep informed in the ever-developing field of study.
Biblische Zeitschrift calls researchers to submit excellent monographs and conference volumes in German, English and French for its newly founded series
Biblische Zeitschrift Supplements (BZ Sup).
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