Pei Xiu
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Beihua jing 悲華經 [The Flower of Compassion Sūtra]. 10 juan. Translated by Dharmakṣema (Tanwuchen 曇無讖 [385–433]). Tno. 157, vol. 3.
Beimeng Suoyan 北夢瑣言 [Trivial Tales from My Dreams of the North]. By Sun Guangxian 孫光憲 (896–968), edited by Jia Erqiang 賈二強. Beijing: Zhonghua Shu Ju 中華書局, 2002.
Chanyuan zhu quanji duxu 禪源諸詮集都序 [Prolegomenon to the Collection of Expressions of the Chan Source]. 2 juan. By Zongmi 宗密 (780–841). T no. 2015, 48.
‘Chuanxin fayao xu’ 傳心法要序 [Preface to Essentials]. By Pei Xiu 裴休 (791–864). In QTW , juan 743.
‘Dafangguang yuanjue xiuduoluo liaoyijing lueshu xu’ 大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經略疏序 [Preface to the Outlined Commentary on the Mahāvaipulya Sūtra of Perfect Enlightenment]. By Pei Xiu 裴休 (791–864). T no. 1795, 39: 523b5-524a10.
Da fangguangfo huayan jing 大方廣佛華嚴經 [Avataṃsaka Sūtra]. 40 juan. Translated by Prajñā 般若 (d.u.). Tno. 293, vol. 10.
Daoyuan jiyao 道院集要 [Essentials from the Dao Cloister]. 3 juan. By Chao Jiong 晁迥 (950–1034). SKQS, vol. 1052.
Fanyi mingyi ji 翻譯名義集 [Collection of Meanings of Terms for Translation]. 7 juan. Compiled by Fayun 法雲 (d.u.). Tno. 2131, vol. 54.
Fozu tongji 佛祖統紀 [Compendium of Buddhas and Patriarchs]. 54 juan. By Zhipan 志磐 (d.u.). Tno. 2035, vol. 49.
Guiyuan zhizhi ji 歸元直指集 [Collection Pointing Directly to the Return of the Primordial Source]. 2 juan. By Zongben 宗本. Xno. 1156, vol. 61.
‘Huayan yuanren lun xu’ 華嚴原人論序 [Preface to Inquiry into the Origin of Man]. By Pei Xiu 裴休. QTW, juan 743.
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Jin’gangding yuqiezhong fa aruduoluosanmiaosanputi xinlun 金剛頂瑜伽中發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心論 [Treatise on Arousing the Anuttarāsamyaksaṃbodhicitta in the Vajraśekhara Yoga]. 1 juan. Translated by Amoghavajra 不空. Tno. 1665, 32. Jingtu zhigui ji淨土指歸集 [Collection Leading to the Pure Land]. 2 juan. By Dayou 大佑. X no. 1154, vol. 61.
Jinshi lüe 金石略 [Outlines of Inscriptions on Metals and Stones]. 3 juan. By Zheng Qiao 鄭樵 (1104–1162). Originally part of his Tongzhi通志 [Comprehensive Historical Records], included in Shike shiliao xinbian石刻史料新編 [New Collection of Historical Sources from Stone Inscriptions]. Series 1. Taipei: Xinwenfeng 新文豐, 1982.
Jiu Tang shu 舊唐書 [Old Tang History]. 200 juan. Compiled by Liu Xu 劉昫 (888–947), @@et al. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju 中華書局, 1974.
Jushi zhuan 居士傳 [Biographies of Lay Devotees]. 56 juan. By Peng Jiqing 彭際清. Xno. 1646 vol. 88.
Lengyan jieyuan shijie daochang yi 楞嚴解冤釋結道場儀 [Ritual Proceedings of the Śūraṅgama Sūtra Altar for Resolving Rancor and Releasing from Conflicts]. By Zuzhao 祖照, edited by Zhao Wenhuan 趙文煥, Hou Chong 侯沖, 8 juan. In Zangwai fojiao wenxian 藏外佛教文献 [Buddhist Texts outside the Canon], ed. Fang Guangchang 方廣锠, Vol. 6, No. 51: 64a14–666a4.
Mozhuang manlu 墨莊漫錄 [Extensive Records of the Ink Estate]. 10 juan. By Zhang Bangji 張邦基. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju 中華書局, 2002.
‘Pei Xiu Dinghui chanshi bei’ 裴休定慧禪師碑 [Pei Xiu’s Inscription of Chan Master of Calming and Insight]. By Pei Xiu 裴休. Rubbing of ‘Tang gu Guifeng Dinghui chanshi chuanfa bei’ 唐故圭峰定慧禪師傳法碑 [Dharma Transmission Stele for Chan Master Dinghui], preserved in Caotang Monastery 草堂寺 in Xi’an. Beijing: Zhongguo shudian 中國書店, 2001.
Quan fa putixin ji 勸發菩提心集 [Collected Works Exhorting the Generation of the Aspiration for Enlightenment]. 3 juan. By Huizhao 慧沼 (650–714). Tno. 1862, vol. 45.
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Quan Tang wen 全唐文 [The Complete Collection of Tang Proses]. 1000 juan. Compiled by Dong Hao 董誥, et al. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju 中華書局, 1983.
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Song gaoseng zhuan 宋高僧傳 [Song Biographies of Eminent Monks]. 30 juan. Compiled by Zanning. Tno. 2061, vol. 50.
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Wanling lu 宛陵錄 [Wanling Record]. 1 juan. Compiled by Pei Xiu 裴休. Tno. 2012B, vol. 48.
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Pei Xiu
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