Understanding how poverty and inequalities impact on children is the major goal of Young Lives, a unique longitudinal, mixed-methods study. Two cohorts totaling 12,000 children are being tracked since 2001, growing-up in Ethiopia, the state of Andhra Pradesh (ap) India, Peru and Vietnam. Earlier versions of this paper were prepared as Young Lives contribution to a unicef/un Women consultation on the post-2015 Development agenda (www.worldwewant2015.org/inequalities) and published as Woodhead, Dornan and Murray (2013).
We summarise Young Lives evidence to date on eight research issues that are central to any child rights agenda:
We conclude that since inequalities are multidimensional, so too must be the response. Equitable growth policies, education and health services, underpinned by effective social protection, all have a role to play.
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Boyden J. (2009), ‘Risk and Capability in the Context of Adversity: Children’s Contributions to Household Livelihoods’ in Ethiopia. Children, Youth and Environments, 19(2), 111–137.
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Boyden J., and Dercon S. (2012), Child Development and Economic Development: Lessons and Future Challenges. Oxford: Young Lives.
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Camfield L., and Tafere Y. (2009). ‘“Children with a Good Life Have to Have School Bags”: Diverse Understandings of Well-being among Older Children in Three Ethiopian Communities, Working Paper 37, Oxford: Young Lives.
Camfield L., and Tafere Y. (2011), ‘Community Understandings of Childhood Transitions in Ethiopia: Different for Girls?’, Children’s Geographies, 19(2), 247–262.
Camfield L., and Vennam U. (2012), ‘From Policy to Implementation: An In-depth Exploration of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Andhra Pradesh’, Working Paper 82, Oxford: Young Lives.
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Crookston B., , Penny M., , Alder S., , Dickerson T., , Merrill R., , Stanford J., , Porucznik C., , and Dearden K. (2010). Children Who Recover from Early Stunting and Children Who Are Not Stunted Demonstrate Similar Levels of Cognition. Journal of Nutrition, 140(11), 1996–2001.
Crookston B., , Dearden K., , Alder S., , Porucznik C., , Stanford J., , Merrill R., , Dickerson T., and Penny M. (2011), ‘Impact of Early and Concurrent Stunting on Cognition’, Maternal and Child Nutrition, 7(4), 397–409.
Crookston B., , Schott W., , Cueto S., , Dearden K., , Engle P., , Georgiadis A., , Lundeen E., , Penny M., , Stein A., and Behrman J. (2013), ‘Post-infancy Growth, Schooling, and Cognitive Achievement: Young Lives’, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Cueto S., , Escobal J., , Penny M., and Ames P. (2011a), Tracking Disparities: Who Gets Left Behind? Initial Findings from Peru. Oxford: Young Lives.
Cueto S., , Leon J., and Muñoz I. (2011b), ‘Who Gets Ahead? Educational Achievement Gaps Over Time across Four Countries’, presentation at UKFIET conference, Oxford, September 2011.
Cueto S., , Leon J., , J. and Muñoz I., (forthcoming, 2014), ‘Educational Opportunities, Verbal and Math Achievement for Children in Peru: A Longitudinal Model’ in Boyden J. A., and Bourdillon M. (eds), Growing up in Poverty: Findings from Young Lives. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Dercon S. (2008), ‘Children and the Food Price Crisis’, Policy Brief 5, Oxford: Young Lives.
Dercon S, and Sanchez A. (2011), ‘Long-term Implications of Under-nutrition on Psychosocial Competencies: Evidence from Four Developing Countries’, Working Paper 72, Oxford: Young Lives.
Dercon S., and Singh A. (2011), ‘From Nutrition to Aspirations and Self-Efficacy: Gender Bias over Time among Children in Four Countries’. Working Paper 71, Oxford: Young Lives.
Dornan P. (2010), ‘Understanding the Impacts of Crisis on Children in Developing Countries’, Round 3 Preliminary Findings, Oxford: Young Lives.
Dornan P. (2011), ‘Growth, Wealth and Inequality: Evidence from Young Lives’, Policy Paper 5, Oxford: Young Lives.
Dornan P., and Boyden J. (2011), ‘Putting Children at the Centre of Poverty Debates’, Policy Brief 12, Oxford: Young Lives.
Dornan P., and Ogando Portela M. (2014, forthcoming), ‘Do feelings of shame undermine children’s development?’, Working paper, Oxford: Young Lives.
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Engle P., , Fernald L., , Alderman H., , Behrman J., , O’Gara C., , Yousafzai A., , Cabral de Mello M., , Hidrobo M., , Ulkuer N., , Ertem I., , Iltus S. and the Global Child Development Steering Group (2011), ‘Strategies for Reducing Inequalities and Improving Developmental Outcomes for Young Children in Low-income and Middle-income Countries’, The Lancet, 378, 1339–53.
Escobal J., , Ames P., , Cueto S., , Penny M., and Flores E. (2008), Young Lives: Peru Round 2 Survey, Country Report. Oxford: Young Lives.
European Commission (2010), Social Protection for Inclusive Development: A New Perspective in eu Cooperation with Africa. European Report on Development, Brussels: European Commission.
Frost M., and Rolleston C. (2013), ‘Improving Education Quality, Equity and Access: A Report on Findings from the Young Lives School Component (Round 1) in Ethiopia’, Working Paper 96, Oxford: Young Lives.
Galab S., , Kumar V., , Reddy P., , Singh R., and Vennam U. (2011), ‘The Impact of Growth on Childhood Poverty in Andhra Pradesh: Initial Findings from India’, Round 3 Survey Report, Oxford: Young Lives.
Heissler K., and Porter C. (2010), ‘Know Your Place: Ethiopian Children’s Contributions to the Household Economy’, Working Paper 61, Oxford: Young Lives.
Helmers C., and Patnam M. (2009), ‘The Formation and Evolution of Childhood Skill Acquisition: Evidence from India’, Young Lives Working Paper 38, Oxford: Young Lives.
Himaz R. (2009a), ‘Is There a Boy Bias in Household Education Expenditure? The Case of Andhra Pradesh in India Based on Young Lives Data’, Working Paper 46, Oxford: Young Lives.
Himaz R. (2009b), ‘The Impact of Parental Death on Schooling and Subjective Well-being: Evidence from Ethiopia using Longitudinal Data’, Working Paper 44, Oxford: Young Lives.
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Lundeen E., , Behrman J., , Crookston B., , Dearden K., , Engle P., , Georgiadis G., , Penny M., and Stein A., ‘Growth faltering and recovery in children aged 1–8 years in four low- and middle-income countries’, Young Lives, Public Health Nutrition, Cambridge University Press.
Murray H. (2010), ‘Early Childhood Care and Education as a Strategy for Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Young Lives’, Policy Brief 9, Oxford: Young Lives.
Murray H. (2012), ‘Is School Education Breaking the Poverty Cycle for Children? Factors Shaping Education Inequalities in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam’, Policy Paper 6, Oxford: Young Lives.
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Rolleston C., and James Z. (2011), ‘The Role of Schooling in Skill Development: Evidence from Young Lives in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam’, Background paper for the Education For All Global Monitoring Report 2012, Paris: UNESCO.
Rolleston C. (2012), ‘Value added in Vietnam: Preliminary Findings from the School Survey Data’, Young Lives (internal presentation).
Rolleston C., , James Z., , Pasquier-Doumer L., and Tam Y. (2013), ‘Making Progress: Report of the Young Lives School Survey in Vietnam’, Working Paper 100, Oxford: Young Lives.
Sanchez A. (2009), ‘Early Nutrition and Cognitive Achievement in Pre-School Children in Peru’, Working Paper 57, Oxford: Young Lives.
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Save the Children (2012), ‘“The Future We Want”: Learning from Children’s Experiences of Sustainable Development’, London: Save the Children UK (paper written by Young Lives for Save the Children).
Schott W., , Crookston B., , Lundeen E., , Stein A., and Behrman J. (2013), ‘Periods of child growth up to age 8 years in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam: Key distal household and community factors’, Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 97, pp. 278–287.
Singh A., , Park A., and Dercon S. (2012), ‘School Meals as a Safety Net: An Evaluation of the Midday Meal Scheme in India’, Working Paper 75, Oxford: Young Lives.
Singh A. (2013), ‘Size and Sources of the Private School Premium in Test Scores in India’, Working Paper 98, Oxford: Young Lives.
Streuli N., , Vennam U., and Woodhead M. (2011), ‘Increasing Choice or Inequality? Pathways through Early Education in Andhra Pradesh, India’, Working Papers in Early Child Development 58, The Hague: Bernard van Leer Foundation.
Streuli N. (2012), ‘Children’s Experiences of Juntos, a Conditional Cash Transfer Scheme in Peru’, Working Paper 78, Oxford: Young Lives.
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Abstract Views | 1341 | 258 | 34 |
Full Text Views | 409 | 33 | 1 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 332 | 52 | 3 |
Understanding how poverty and inequalities impact on children is the major goal of Young Lives, a unique longitudinal, mixed-methods study. Two cohorts totaling 12,000 children are being tracked since 2001, growing-up in Ethiopia, the state of Andhra Pradesh (ap) India, Peru and Vietnam. Earlier versions of this paper were prepared as Young Lives contribution to a unicef/un Women consultation on the post-2015 Development agenda (www.worldwewant2015.org/inequalities) and published as Woodhead, Dornan and Murray (2013).
We summarise Young Lives evidence to date on eight research issues that are central to any child rights agenda:
We conclude that since inequalities are multidimensional, so too must be the response. Equitable growth policies, education and health services, underpinned by effective social protection, all have a role to play.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 1341 | 258 | 34 |
Full Text Views | 409 | 33 | 1 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 332 | 52 | 3 |