Pursuant to a referral by the unfccc through the Kyoto Protocol, the International Civil Aviation Organization (icao) has developed a ‘basket’ of emission-mitigation measures for international aviation. Technical and operational measures proved inadequate to counter traffic growth, and finally, in October 2016, the icao adopted a framework for a market-based measure. The Carbon Offset and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (corsia) is the primary emission-mitigation tool for international aviation. It aims at ‘carbon-neutral growth’ (cng) from 2020 onward. Yet, even with an increased use of alternative fuels and comprehensive implementation of corsia, the icao’s basket of measures will not produce a reduction in global aviation emissions. This article describes the legal and governance framework and the implementation process of corsia, assesses the scheme’s potential contribution to climate-change mitigation, and proposes a derivative but more ambitious strategy. This would include incorporation of international aviation emissions in the ndcs of parties to the Paris Agreement and a more direct role for the unfccc in determining eligibility of emission units and alternative fuels, with the icao remaining accountable for monitoring, reporting and verification. 1
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All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 6790 | 1072 | 132 |
Full Text Views | 1008 | 39 | 2 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 1030 | 116 | 14 |
Pursuant to a referral by the unfccc through the Kyoto Protocol, the International Civil Aviation Organization (icao) has developed a ‘basket’ of emission-mitigation measures for international aviation. Technical and operational measures proved inadequate to counter traffic growth, and finally, in October 2016, the icao adopted a framework for a market-based measure. The Carbon Offset and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (corsia) is the primary emission-mitigation tool for international aviation. It aims at ‘carbon-neutral growth’ (cng) from 2020 onward. Yet, even with an increased use of alternative fuels and comprehensive implementation of corsia, the icao’s basket of measures will not produce a reduction in global aviation emissions. This article describes the legal and governance framework and the implementation process of corsia, assesses the scheme’s potential contribution to climate-change mitigation, and proposes a derivative but more ambitious strategy. This would include incorporation of international aviation emissions in the ndcs of parties to the Paris Agreement and a more direct role for the unfccc in determining eligibility of emission units and alternative fuels, with the icao remaining accountable for monitoring, reporting and verification. 1
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 6790 | 1072 | 132 |
Full Text Views | 1008 | 39 | 2 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 1030 | 116 | 14 |