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Shmeleva, A. A., 1963. Vesovye kharakteristiki massovykh form zooplanktona Adriaticheskogo morya. Trudy Sevastopolskoj Biologicheskoj Stantsii, 16: 153-158.
Shmeleva, A. A., 1963. Status of the food resource of planktonic fishes in the southern Adriatic in 1958 (preliminary report). Trudy Sevastopolskoj Biologicheskoj Stantsii, 16: 138-152. [In Russian.]
Shmeleva, A. A., 1964. Vesovye kharakteristiki massovykh form zooplanktona Adriaticheskogo morya. Soobshchenie 1. Trudy Sevastopolskoj Biologicheskoj Stantsii, 15: 53-68.
Shmeleva, A. A., 1964. New Copepoda species in the Adriatic Sea and the characteristic features of their distribution in connection with hydrobiological conditions. Oceanologiya, 4(6): 1066-1072. [In Russian.]
Shmeleva, A. A., 1965. A new species of Copepoda (Calanoida) from the Adriatic Sea. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 44(5): 768-770. [In Russian.]
Shmeleva, A. A., 1965. New species of the plankton copepods from the Adriatic Sea. Bulletin de l’Institut Océanographique, Monaco, 65(1358): 1-15.
Shmeleva, A. A. & E. P. Delalo, 1965. A new species of the genus Oncaea (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) from the Mediterranean Sea. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 44(10): 1562-1565. [In Russian.]
Shmeleva, A. A., 1966. New species of the genus Oncaea (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) from the Adriatic Sea. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 45(10): 932-936. [In Russian.]
Shmeleva, A. A., 1967. New species of planktonic copepods from the Adriatic Sea. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 46(8): 1174-1181. [In Russian.]
Shmeleva, A. A., 1967. New Oncaea species (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) from south-western part of the Atlantic Ocean. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 46(4): 621-622. [In Russian.]
Shmeleva, A. A., 1968. New Calocalanus (Copepoda, Calanoida) species from the Adriatic Sea. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 47(9): 1411-1414. [In Russian.]
Shmeleva, A. A., 1968. New species of planktonic Copepoda, Cyclopoida from the Adriatic Sea. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 47(12): 1784-1793. [In Russian.]
Greze, V. N., E. P. Delalo, E. V. Pavlova & A. A. Shmeleva, 1968. Sur la composition et la répartition quantitative du zooplancton dans la Méditerranée orientale. Rapports et Procès-verbaux des Réunions de la Commission Internationale pour l’Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, Monaco, 19(3): 427.
Shmeleva, A. A., 1969. Espèces nouvelles du genre Oncaea (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) de la Mer Adriatique. Bulletin de l’Institut Océanographique, Monaco, 68(1393): 3-28.
Shmeleva, A. A., 1973. New data on planktonic fauna from the east of the Mediterranean Sea. Rapports et Procès-verbaux des Réunions de la Commission Internationale pour l’Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, Monaco, 21(8): 537-539.
Shmeleva, A. A., 1973. A new species and previously unknown males of Calocalanus (Copepoda, Calanoida) from the Adriatic Sea. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 52(11): 1721-1725. [In Russian.]
Shmeleva, A. A. & V. E. Zaika, 1973. Vertical distribution of the copepodid stages of copepods in the Adriatic Sea. Oceanologiya, 13(5): 872-876. [In Russian.]
Shmeleva, A. A., 1974. Three new species of planktonic Copepoda (Calanoida) from the Indian Ocean. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 53(11): 1717-1721. [In Russian.]
Shmeleva, A. A. & A. V. Kovalev, 1974. Cycles biologiques des copépodes (Crustacea) de la Mer Adriatique. Bolletino di Pesca, Piscicoltura e Idrobiologia, 29(1): 49-70.
Shmeleva, A. A. & A. V. Kovalev, 1975. Biological cycles of mass copepods (Crustacea) in the Adriatic Sea. Biologiya Morya, 34: 52-65. [In Russian.]
Shmeleva, A. A., 1975. New species of Copepoda (Calanoida) from the Indian Ocean. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 54(8): 1250-1253. [In Russian.]
Shmeleva, A. A., 1978. New species of the genus Calocalanus from the Indian sector of the Antarctic and the south Atlantic. Biologiya Morya, 2: 82-86. [In Russian.]
Shmeleva, A. A., 1979. New species of the genus Calocalanus (Copepoda, Calanoida) from the west part of the Mediterranean Sea. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 58(1): 122-125. [In Russian.]
Shmeleva, A. A., 1979. New species and some previously unknown males of the genus Oncaea (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) from the Mediterranean Sea. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 58(4): 491-497. [In Russian.]
Shmeleva, A. A., 1979. Composition and distribution of the genus Calocalanus (Copepoda, Calanoida) in the Indian Ocean. Vestnik Zoologii, 6: 39-44. [In Russian.]
Greze, V. N., E. V. Pavlova, A. A. Shmeleva & E. P. Delalo, 1982. Zooplankton of the eastern Mediterranean and its quantitative distribution. Ekologiya Morya, 8: 37-46. [In Russian.]
Kovalev, A. V. & A. A. Shmeleva, 1982. Fauna of copepods in the Mediterranean. Ekologiya Morya, 8: 82-87. [In Russian.]
Greze, V. N., O. K. Bileva & A. A. Shmeleva, 1983. Zooplankton in some bank regions of the Mediterranean Sea. Thalassographica, 6: 17-26.
Greze, V. N., A. V. Kovalev, E. P. Baldina, O. K. Bileva & A. A. Shmeleva, 1985. Zooplankton transfer through the Gibraltar Strait and peculiarities of its taxonomic composition and distribution in adjacent areas. Investigación Pesquera, Barcelona, 49(1): 3-13.
Shmeleva, A. A., 1987. New species of the genus Calocalanus (Copepoda, Calanoida) from the bank Saia-de-Malia (in the Indian Ocean). Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 66(10): 1576-1579. [In Russian.]
Kovalev, A. V., A. E. Kideys, E. V. Pavlova, A. A. Shmeleva, V. A. Skryabin, N. A. Ostrovskaya & Z. Uysal, 1999. Composition and abundance of zooplankton of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. In: P. Malanotte-Rizzoli & V. N. Eremeev (eds.), The eastern Mediterranean as a laboratory basin for the assessment of contrasting ecosystems: 81-95. (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht).
Unal, E., A. A. Shmeleva, J. Zagorodnyaya & A. E. Kideys, 2000. Zooplankton structure and copepod species of the Sea of Marmara in spring 1998. In: B. Ozturk, M. Kadyoolu & H. Ozturk (eds.), Proceedings of the Symposium on Marmara Sea, 5: 450-460. (Tüdav Press, Istanbul). [In Turkish.]
Unal, E. & A. A. Shmeleva, 2002. A new species of Calanopia (Copepoda, Calanoida) from the central Red Sea. Crustaceana, 75(1): 1-11.
Uysal, Z. & A. A. Shmeleva, 2002. New species of the genus Scaphocalanus (Calanoida: Scolecithricidae) from the Iskenderun Bay — northeastern Levantine Basin. Hydrobiologia, 470: 45-48.
Uysal, Z., A. E. Kideys, A. A. Shmeleva, J. A. Zagorodnyaya & A. D. Gubanova, 2002. Checklist of copepods (Calanoida and Podoplea) from the northern Levantine Basin shelf waters. Hydrobiologia, 482(1): 15-21.
Uysal, Z. & A. [A.] Shmeleva, 2004. Two new species of the genus Calanopia (Copepoda, Calanoida, Pontellidae) from the northern Levantine Basin (Mediterranean Sea). Vestnik Zoologii, 38(4): 9-13.
Shmeleva, A. A., 2005. Discription of the female and rediscription of the male Centropages spinosus (Copepoda, Centropagidae). Vestnik Zoologii, 39(6): 65-69. [In Russian.]
Selifonova, Z. P. & A. A. Shmeleva, 2007. Study of Copepoda fauna in Novorossiysk Bay of the Black Sea and in the Sea of Azov. Gidrobiologicheskii Zhurnal, 43(5): 27-35. [In Russian.]
Vives, F. & A. A. Shmeleva, 2007. Crustacea, marine copepods I. Calanoida. In: Fauna Ibérica, 29: 1-1152. [In Spanish.]
Shmeleva, A. A., V. V. Murina, V. A. Grintsov, S. A. Sherban & L. A. Garlitskaya, 2008. Invertebrates of the Black River estuary (Sevastopol, Black Sea). Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Naturalists, (Biological Series), 13(5): 31-36. [In Russian.]
Selifonova, Z. P. & A. A. Shmeleva, 2008. Studies on the fauna of Copepoda in Novorossiysk Bay of the Black Sea and in the Sea of Azov. Hydrobiological Journal, 44(1): 26-33.
Selifonova, J. P., A. A. Shmeleva & A. E. Kideys, 2008. Study of copepod species from the western Black Sea in the cruise R/V “Knorr” during May-June 2001. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 60(3): 305-309.
Selifonova, J. P. & A. A. Shmeleva, 2010. Mediterranization of fauna Copepoda of the Black Sea. Bulleten Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelej Prirody, (Otd. Biologicheskij), 115(1): 58-62. [In Russian.]
Vives, F. & A. A. Shmeleva, 2010. Crustacea, marine copepods II. Non Calanoida. In: Fauna Ibérica, 33: 1-486. [In Spanish.]
Uysal, Z. & A. A. Shmeleva, 2012. Species composition, abundance and biomass of Copepoda in plankton of the northern Levantine Basin (eastern Mediterranean). Crustaceana, 85(8): 909-935.
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