The 1905 Revolution was often considered by workers writing memoirs as the most important event in their lives. This paper examines biographical reminiscences of the political participation of working-class militants in the 1905 Revolution. I scrutinize four tropes used by working-class writers to describe their life stories narrated around their political identity. These are: (1) overcoming misery and destitution, (2) autodidacticism, (3) political initiation, and (4) feeling of belonging to the community of equals. All four demonstrate that the militant self cannot be understood in separation from the life context of the mobilized workers. Participation in party politics was an important factor modifying the life course of workers in the direction resonating with their aspirations and longings. The argument is informed by analysis of over a hundred of biographical testimonies written by militants from various political parties in different political circumstances.
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aan 1, Bereza, F. (full name unknown), Wspomnienia z dni rewolucyjnych czyli przebieg rewolucji z roku 1904 i dalej, Archiwum Akt Nowych w Warszawie, Instytut Badania najnowszej historii Polski, Wspomnienia nadesłane do redakcji pisma Niepodległość 1930–1937 [Memories from the Revolutionary Days, that is the Course of Revolution in 1904 and further, Archive of Newer Files in Warsaw, Institute for the Research of the Newest History of Poland, Memoirs sent to the editorial office of the journal Independence 1930–1937], folder 357/4, subfolder 3.
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apł 3, Kuświk, Ignacy, Moje wspomnienia, Archiwum Państwowe w Łodzi, Komitet Łódzki Polskiej Zjednoczonej Partii Robotniczej [My Memories, State Archive in Łódź, Łódź Committee of Polish United Workers Party], folder 11442, p. 3.
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The 1905 Revolution was often considered by workers writing memoirs as the most important event in their lives. This paper examines biographical reminiscences of the political participation of working-class militants in the 1905 Revolution. I scrutinize four tropes used by working-class writers to describe their life stories narrated around their political identity. These are: (1) overcoming misery and destitution, (2) autodidacticism, (3) political initiation, and (4) feeling of belonging to the community of equals. All four demonstrate that the militant self cannot be understood in separation from the life context of the mobilized workers. Participation in party politics was an important factor modifying the life course of workers in the direction resonating with their aspirations and longings. The argument is informed by analysis of over a hundred of biographical testimonies written by militants from various political parties in different political circumstances.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 461 | 41 | 3 |
Full Text Views | 46 | 0 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 67 | 1 | 0 |