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Founder and Honorary President: John Groom (Emeritus Professor of International Relations, University of Kent, UK)

Joint Editors-in-Chief: Christopher Hill (SAIS Europe Bologna, Italy and University of Cambridge, UK); Christian Lequesne, (CERI-Sciences Po Paris, France)

Managing Editor: Tom Sharkey, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK

Assistant Review Editor: Colombe Camus, Sciences Po, Paris, France

Editorial Board: David Bates (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK); Thierry Braspenning-Balzacq (Sciences Po Paris, France); Elisabetta Brighi (University of Westminster, UK); Michela Ceccorulli (University of Bologna, Italy); Frédéric Charillon (Sciences Po Paris, France); Sarah Lieberman (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK); Benjamin Martill, (University of Edinburgh, UK); Karolina Pomorska (Leiden University, The Netherlands); Valérie Rosoux (UCLouvain, Belgium); Tom Sharkey (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK); Caroline Soper (Chatham House, UK)

Scientific Board Chair: Bertrand Badie (Sciences Po Paris, France)

Scientific Board: Fulvio Attinà (University of Catania, Italy); Mustafa Aydin (International Relations Council of Turkey); Kanti Bajpai (National University of Singapore); Esther Barbé (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain); Salma Bava (Jawaharlal Nehru University, India); Sophia Besch (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, USA); Walter Carlsnaes (University of Uppsala, Sweden); Philip G. Cerny (University of Manchester, UK); Navnita Chadha Behera (University of Delhi, India); Aurélien Colson (ESSEC, France); Oriol Costa (Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain); Michael Cox (LSE, UK); Guillaume Devin (Sciences Po Paris, France); Elise Féron (Tampere Peace Research Institute, Finland); Michel Foucher (Ecole Normale Supérieure, France); Gustaaf Geeraerts (Fudan University, China); Lyubov Grigorova-Mincheva (University of Sofia, Bulgaria); Gunther Hellmann (University of Frankfurt, German); Jolyon Howorth (Yale University, USA); Andrew Hurrell (University of Oxford, UK); Takashi Inoguchi (University of Nigata Prefecture, Japan); Knud Erik Jørgensen (University of Aarhus, Denmark); Bahgat Korany (University of Montreal, Canada); Sule Kut (Okan University, Turkey); Richard Ned Lebow (King's College London, UK); Tiang Hong Luo (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China); Richard Mansbach (Iowa State University, USA); Chung-in Moon (Yonsei University, South Korea); Harald Müller (University of Oxford, UK); Iver Neumann (Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway); Stipe Odak (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium); Gianfranco Pasquino (University of Bologna, Italy); Frédéric Ramel (Sciences Po Paris, France); Robert Reinalda (Radboud University, The Netherlands); Helena Rytövuori-Apunen (University of Tampere, Finland); Eric Sangar (Sciences Po Lille, France); Vivien Schmidt (Boston University, USA); Jan Aart Scholte (University of Gothenburg, Sweden); Matthias Schulz (Université de Genève, Switzerland); Lourdes Sola (University of São Paulo, Brazil); Etel Solingen (University of California Irvine, USA); Georges-Henri Soutou (Université Paris-Sorbonne, France); Mario Telo (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium); Arlene Tickner (Universidad del Rosario Bogotá, Colombia); Teija Tiilikainen (Hybrid CoE, Finland); Ilter Turan (Bilgi University, Turkey); Thomas Volgy (University of Arizona, USA); Andrew Williams (University of St Andrews, UK)
The Editors of the European Review of International Studies invite submissions either from individuals or from teams of scholars for the publication of a special issue of the journal in 2024 or 2025. More details.

Call for Abstracts
The European Review of International Studies (ERIS) will organize on 27 November 2024 its first only conference focused on the theme Why Study International Practices? The objective is to put together postdoctoral and doctoral (PhD) students worldwide to exchange on their PhD research in a two-hour panel taking place online from 4pm to 6pm (CET time). More details on the application and submission process here.

European Review of International Studies

Christopher Hill
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Christian Lequesne
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Managing Editor:
Tom Sharkey
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European Review of International Studies (ERIS) seeks to be a journal to which those who wish to know what is happening in ‘European’ International Studies can turn. It aims to achieve this goal by publishing research articles. To the same end the journal contains an extensive review section of monographs published in European languages and review articles of the literature on substantive themes or significant developments in different European academic communities.

European Review of International Studies (ERIS) aims: (1) to reflect European specificities and approaches, (2) to be an outlet in English in particular for English-language and non-English language authors, (3) to make the Anglophone world aware of research in other languages, (4) to encourage transdisciplinarity across the social sciences and humanities among those concerned with international studies broadly defined, and (5) to be eclectic in terms of concept, method and approach while retaining rigorous international academic standards.
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