Erudition and the Republic of Letters is a peer-reviewed journal devoted primarily to the history of scholarship, intellectual history, and to the respublica literaria broadly conceived. It encapsulates multifarious aspects of higher learning as well as the manner in which such knowledge transcends confessional and geopolitical boundaries.
Erudition and the Republic of Letters is a peer-reviewed journal devoted primarily to the history of scholarship, intellectual history, and to the respublica literaria broadly conceived. It encapsulates multifarious aspects of higher learning as well as the manner in which such knowledge transcends confessional and geopolitical boundaries.
This seems to be a propitious time for such an enterprise, as there exists a lively, and mostly young, community of scholars who carry out excellent and exciting work.
Erudition and the Republic of Letters will establish itself quickly as the premier venue of its kind, and cater to the needs and aspirations of this community, while exhibiting the viability of the subject matter to students. The journal’s policy would be to not impose arbitrary word limit, but allow the content of the essay to determine length. Also, it would encourage publication of scholarly articles as well as editions of texts, reviews etc. — from the late Middle Ages to the end of the Nineteenth Century.
Erudition and the Republic of Letters may occasionally publish a primary source but it is devoted primarily to interpretative essays and reviews. By publishing such works, it aims to expand the available scholarly resources, and further invigorate the scholarly community.
Erudition and the Republic of Letters uses double-blind peer review.
Editor-in-Chief Mordechai Feingold,
California Institute of Technology
Associate Editor Carol Magun
Editorial Board Ann Blair,
Harvard University Anthony T. Grafton,
Princeton University Alastair Hamilton,
The Warburg Institute James Hankins,
Harvard University Herbert Jaumann,
Universität Greifswald Rhodri Lewis,
Oxford University Anthony Ossa-Richardson,
University of Southampton William Poole,
Oxford University Jean-Louis Quantin,
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
ERIH PLUS Academic Search Complete
Academic Search Elite
Academic Search Premier
Academic Search Ultimate
Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation Index
Online submission: Articles for publication in
Erudition and the Republic of Letters can be submitted online through
Editorial Manager, please
click here.
"This is an outstanding journal in every respect, one of the very best I've come across in many years reviewing. It fully merits inclusion in Scopus." - Anonymous reviewer for Scopus
Online submission: Articles for publication in
Erudition and the Republic of Letters can be submitted online through
Editorial Manager, please
click here.
Editor-in-Chief Mordechai Feingold,
California Institute of Technology
Associate Editor Carol Magun
Editorial Board Ann Blair,
Harvard University Anthony T. Grafton,
Princeton University Alastair Hamilton,
The Warburg Institute James Hankins,
Harvard University Herbert Jaumann,
Universität Greifswald Rhodri Lewis,
Oxford University Anthony Ossa-Richardson,
University of Southampton William Poole,
Oxford University Jean-Louis Quantin,
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
ERIH PLUS Academic Search Complete
Academic Search Elite
Academic Search Premier
Academic Search Ultimate
Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation Index
"This is an outstanding journal in every respect, one of the very best I've come across in many years reviewing. It fully merits inclusion in Scopus." - Anonymous reviewer for Scopus
Erudition and the Republic of Letters is a peer-reviewed journal devoted primarily to the history of scholarship, intellectual history, and to the respublica literaria broadly conceived. It encapsulates multifarious aspects of higher learning as well as the manner in which such knowledge transcends confessional and geopolitical boundaries.
Erudition and the Republic of Letters is a peer-reviewed journal devoted primarily to the history of scholarship, intellectual history, and to the respublica literaria broadly conceived. It encapsulates multifarious aspects of higher learning as well as the manner in which such knowledge transcends confessional and geopolitical boundaries.
This seems to be a propitious time for such an enterprise, as there exists a lively, and mostly young, community of scholars who carry out excellent and exciting work.
Erudition and the Republic of Letters will establish itself quickly as the premier venue of its kind, and cater to the needs and aspirations of this community, while exhibiting the viability of the subject matter to students. The journal’s policy would be to not impose arbitrary word limit, but allow the content of the essay to determine length. Also, it would encourage publication of scholarly articles as well as editions of texts, reviews etc. — from the late Middle Ages to the end of the Nineteenth Century.
Erudition and the Republic of Letters may occasionally publish a primary source but it is devoted primarily to interpretative essays and reviews. By publishing such works, it aims to expand the available scholarly resources, and further invigorate the scholarly community.
Erudition and the Republic of Letters uses double-blind peer review.
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