Individuals are eligible for
free access to the
Journal of Femininities until 31 December 2025, using access token
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Journal of Femininities is the first academic journal devoted to the study of Femininities and uniquely offers an outlet for scholarship on femininity. The
Journal of Femininities cultivates and unifies the field of Femininities by publishing content that advances theories and methods in the study of femininity. The journal seeks to challenge and re-examine the taken-for-granted norms and associations of femininity and to treat Femininities as an academic discipline similar to others that focus on particular social dimensions. Articles that appear in the
Journal of Femininities contribute to deeper and more complex understandings of femininity.
Journal of Femininities publishes cutting-edge research focused on femininity. It is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes high-quality research from a variety of disciplines (e.g., sociology, psychology, gender studies, business, public health, education, political science, media studies, legal studies, family science, etc.) and is particularly supportive of interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary work from feminist perspectives. The journal welcomes submissions of methodologically rigorous empirical articles, both qualitative and quantitative, as well as critical essays, theoretical papers, and book reviews. Articles published in the
Journal of Femininities employ diverse methodologies to explore perceptions and constructions of femininity or to deliberately examine femininity as a framework or intersectional axis. The
Journal of Femininities encourages submissions that examine femininity across intersectional axes of race, sexuality, disability, class, body size, religion, culture, or gender/sex. Please contact either editor to discuss opportunities to guest-edit a special issue or special feature.
Journal of Femininities understands “femininity” as an often overlapping but separate construct from “woman” or “female” and thus does not treat women and femininity synonymously.
The journal will welcome the following types of submissions (in APA format). For all empirical research, the Editors-in-Chief encourage uploading a supplementary file with a more detailed methods section. Reference lists are not included in the word counts.
Standard Research • Brief reports (2,000 words)
• Original research (7,500 words)
• Systematic and scoping reviews (10,000 words)
• Critical essays (6,000 words)
Editors-in-Chief Karen L. Blair,
Trent University (Canada)
Rhea Ashley Hoskin,
University of Waterloo and
St. Jerome’s University (Canada)
Editorial Board Jonathan A. Allan,
Brandon University (Canada)
Salsabel Almanssorri,
University of Windsor (Canada)
Jocelyne Bartram Scott,
Bucknell University (USA)
Stephanie Bonnes,
University of New Haven (USA)
Casey Burkholder,
Concordia University (Canada)
Fan-Ting Cheng,
National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
Erin Leigh Courtice,
Toronto Metropolitan University (Canada)
Aviva Dove-Viebahn,
Arizona State University (USA)
Antonio García-Gómez,
University of Alcalá (Spain)
Emily A. Harris,
The University of Melbourne (Australia)
Sarah Kornfield,
Hope College (USA)
Nina Lykke,
Linköping University (Sweden)
Alexa Martin-Storey,
Université de Sherbrooke (Canada)
James Messerschmidt,
University of Southern Maine (USA)
Gülden Sayılan,
Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University (Turkey)
Zach Schudson,
The California State University (USA)
Toni Serafini,
St. Jerome’s University (at University of Waterloo) (Canada)
Kaila Adia Story,
University of Louisville (USA)
Allison Taylor,
Re*Vision: The Centre for Art and Social Justice: University of Guelph (Canada)
Beril Türkoğlu,
TED University (Turkey)
Lilith Whiley,
University of Sussex (UK)
Brianna I. Wiens,
University of Waterloo (Canada)
Online submission: Articles for publication in
Journal of Femininities can be submitted online through Editorial Manager. To submit an article,
click here.
For more details on online submission, please visit our
EM Support page.
Online submission: Articles for publication in
Journal of Femininities can be submitted online through Editorial Manager. To submit an article,
click here.
For more details on online submission, please visit our
EM Support page.
Guidelines for publishing book reviews in the Journal of Femininities can be found
Editors-in-Chief Karen L. Blair,
Trent University (Canada)
Rhea Ashley Hoskin,
University of Waterloo and
St. Jerome’s University (Canada)
Editorial Board Jonathan A. Allan,
Brandon University (Canada)
Salsabel Almanssorri,
University of Windsor (Canada)
Jocelyne Bartram Scott,
Bucknell University (USA)
Stephanie Bonnes,
University of New Haven (USA)
Casey Burkholder,
Concordia University (Canada)
Fan-Ting Cheng,
National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
Erin Leigh Courtice,
Toronto Metropolitan University (Canada)
Aviva Dove-Viebahn,
Arizona State University (USA)
Antonio García-Gómez,
University of Alcalá (Spain)
Emily A. Harris,
The University of Melbourne (Australia)
Sarah Kornfield,
Hope College (USA)
Nina Lykke,
Linköping University (Sweden)
Alexa Martin-Storey,
Université de Sherbrooke (Canada)
James Messerschmidt,
University of Southern Maine (USA)
Gülden Sayılan,
Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University (Turkey)
Zach Schudson,
The California State University (USA)
Toni Serafini,
St. Jerome’s University (at University of Waterloo) (Canada)
Kaila Adia Story,
University of Louisville (USA)
Allison Taylor,
Re*Vision: The Centre for Art and Social Justice: University of Guelph (Canada)
Beril Türkoğlu,
TED University (Turkey)
Lilith Whiley,
University of Sussex (UK)
Brianna I. Wiens,
University of Waterloo (Canada)
CALL FOR PAPERS for a special issue: “Digital Feminities”. Deadline for paper submisson is 20 November 2024.
Please click here for full details.
Individuals are eligible for
free access to the
Journal of Femininities until 31 December 2025, using access token
Click here for more information.
Journal of Femininities is the first academic journal devoted to the study of Femininities and uniquely offers an outlet for scholarship on femininity. The
Journal of Femininities cultivates and unifies the field of Femininities by publishing content that advances theories and methods in the study of femininity. The journal seeks to challenge and re-examine the taken-for-granted norms and associations of femininity and to treat Femininities as an academic discipline similar to others that focus on particular social dimensions. Articles that appear in the
Journal of Femininities contribute to deeper and more complex understandings of femininity.
Journal of Femininities publishes cutting-edge research focused on femininity. It is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes high-quality research from a variety of disciplines (e.g., sociology, psychology, gender studies, business, public health, education, political science, media studies, legal studies, family science, etc.) and is particularly supportive of interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary work from feminist perspectives. The journal welcomes submissions of methodologically rigorous empirical articles, both qualitative and quantitative, as well as critical essays, theoretical papers, and book reviews. Articles published in the
Journal of Femininities employ diverse methodologies to explore perceptions and constructions of femininity or to deliberately examine femininity as a framework or intersectional axis. The
Journal of Femininities encourages submissions that examine femininity across intersectional axes of race, sexuality, disability, class, body size, religion, culture, or gender/sex. Please contact either editor to discuss opportunities to guest-edit a special issue or special feature.
Journal of Femininities understands “femininity” as an often overlapping but separate construct from “woman” or “female” and thus does not treat women and femininity synonymously.
The journal will welcome the following types of submissions (in APA format). For all empirical research, the Editors-in-Chief encourage uploading a supplementary file with a more detailed methods section. Reference lists are not included in the word counts.
Standard Research • Brief reports (2,000 words)
• Original research (7,500 words)
• Systematic and scoping reviews (10,000 words)
• Critical essays (6,000 words)