This essay argues that gnostic deification can be redescribed as self-deification. Self-deification, it is argued, is realized in three “moments”: (1) the intuition of one’s own divine core, (2) deeply reflexive practices of self-knowledge, and (3) identification with a higher divine self. These three moments are contextualized with the help of ancient philosophy and several gnostic texts. Finally, a case study on Simon of Samaria illustrates how the three moments of self-deification play out.
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Foucault 2005, 120, 180.
Foucault 2005, 256–57, 419–21, 454–55.
Turner 2014; Burns 2014, 122–39.
Roig Lanzillotta 2013, 71–102.
DeConick 2010, 311–15.
Luttikhuizen 2006, 30–43, 64–65.
Roig Lanzillotta 2005, 448–49.
Epictetus, Diatr. 1.14.12 in Oldfather 1925, 104. See further Thom 2005, 63.
Saturninus in Irenaeus, Haer. 1.24.1 (Rousseau and Doutreleau 1979, 322).
See further Betz 1970, 471; Pépin 1971, 71–114.
Epiphanius, Pan. 26.3.1 (Holl, Bergermann, and Collatz 2013, 278).
Beyschlag 1974, 218–19.
E.g., Haer. 6.15.3, 6.17.2 (Marcovich 1986, 220, 222). Note that Marcovich was prone to change φασί in the manuscript to φησί(ν).
Foucault 2005, 184–85.
Clement of Alexandria, Strom. (Le Boulluec 1997, 70).
Foucault 1984, 351. See the comments of Nehamas 1998, 177.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
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This essay argues that gnostic deification can be redescribed as self-deification. Self-deification, it is argued, is realized in three “moments”: (1) the intuition of one’s own divine core, (2) deeply reflexive practices of self-knowledge, and (3) identification with a higher divine self. These three moments are contextualized with the help of ancient philosophy and several gnostic texts. Finally, a case study on Simon of Samaria illustrates how the three moments of self-deification play out.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 655 | 90 | 5 |
Full Text Views | 285 | 3 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 76 | 11 | 0 |