The Apocalypse of Paul (nhc v,2), a second-century Valentinian text, imagines Paul’s progression up to the tenth level of heaven. Not only is this a reference to the third-person account in 2 Corinthians, but also a clear indication of the baptismal liturgy in the Valentinian text as the audience joins Paul after the third heaven and ascends through the upper levels while reciting the visionary tale in the first person after their initiation. Ultimately, this paper shows how the second-century Valentinian memory of Paul is a coalescence of his mystical religiosity and authority and the imagistic ritual practices of the Valentinians. Methodologically, this paper follows a traditional historical and text critical approach, augmented with social memory theory and cognitive ritual studies. In this paper, it is argued that the Apocalypse of Paul integrates of the memory of Paul and his ascent according to 2 Corinthians with contemporary Valentinian ritual practices.
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Le Donne 2009, 70.
Kaler 2008, 77.
Kaler 2008, 206–8.
DeConick 2001, 233–234. DeConick observes, “Through the baptismal ceremonies, which included anointing with holy oil, the initiate is reborn of the Holy Spirit and then is invested with this [holy] Spirit (64:23–27). Furthermore, the investment of the Holy Spirit through the initiatory rituals is connected to the investment with the redeeming Name of God. Indeed, in Philip the initiate not only gains the name of Christ through chrism (74:12–25), becoming a ‘Christian,’ but he now is transformed into ‘a Christ’ (67:29).” DeConick 2016, 185.
Connerton 1989, 37–38.
Whitehouse 2004.
Uro 2007, 130.
Uro 2007, 132.
Layton 1987, 303.
Scopello 2007, 16.
DeConick 1996, 47–48.
Cf. Kaler 2008, 207–8.
Cf. Roig Lanzillotta 2016, 117–18.
Scopello 2013, 119–20.
Cf. Kaler 2008, 61.
Crum 2005, 80B. See also Van den Broek 1986, 13. For a more detailed consideration of the use of the Coptic use of ⲉⲓⲛⲉ for ὁµοῖωσις, see Roig Lanzillotta 2013, 84n58.
Connerton 1989, 3.
Zelizer 1995, 226.
Kelber 2013, 271–72.
Quispel 1974, 29–42.
Heracleon, frag. 13 (Brooke 2004, 68–69; Heine 1989, 302). Heracleon’s position is detailed below.
Heracleon, frag. 11 (Brooke 2004, 66; Heine 1989, 266). One should note the alternative reading of Roig Lanzillotta, who considers Heracleon’s remarks in fragments 11, 13, and 20 to indicate not a rereading of Luke 10:30, but rather a reference to the demonic and dark aspects of the Jerusalem imagery as it connects to the demigod whom the Jews worshipped. In either case, we may recognize the decidedly negative depiction of the lower and earthly realms depicted in the Apoc. Paul nhc v,2. Roig Lanzillotta 2016, 114–16, esp. 115n38.
Pettipiece 2002, 75.
Heracleon, frag. 13 (Brooke 2004, 68; Heine 1989, 302).
However, as Thomassen 2006, 112, observes, given its location within the psychic temple, Heracleon “must mean the psychic level of the cosmos where souls in general are located, including the souls of the spirituals.”
Pagels 1973, 72.
Irenaeus, Haer. 1.5.3 (Unger 1992, 34; Rousseau and Doutreleau 1979, 81–82).
Heracleon, frag. 13 (Brooke 2004, 68; Heine 1989, 302).
Thomassen 2006, 341.
DeConick 1999, 308–41.
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The Apocalypse of Paul (nhc v,2), a second-century Valentinian text, imagines Paul’s progression up to the tenth level of heaven. Not only is this a reference to the third-person account in 2 Corinthians, but also a clear indication of the baptismal liturgy in the Valentinian text as the audience joins Paul after the third heaven and ascends through the upper levels while reciting the visionary tale in the first person after their initiation. Ultimately, this paper shows how the second-century Valentinian memory of Paul is a coalescence of his mystical religiosity and authority and the imagistic ritual practices of the Valentinians. Methodologically, this paper follows a traditional historical and text critical approach, augmented with social memory theory and cognitive ritual studies. In this paper, it is argued that the Apocalypse of Paul integrates of the memory of Paul and his ascent according to 2 Corinthians with contemporary Valentinian ritual practices.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 448 | 169 | 71 |
Full Text Views | 318 | 4 | 2 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 153 | 7 | 2 |