Gnosis: Journal of Gnostic Studies is a peer-reviewed publication devoted to the study of Gnostic religious currents from the ancient world to the modern, where ‘Gnostic’ is broadly conceived as a reference to special direct knowledge of the divine, which either transcends or transgresses conventional religious knowledge. It aims to publish academic papers on: the emergence of the Gnostic, in its many different historical and local cultural contexts; the Gnostic strands that persisted in the middle ages; and modern interpretations of Gnosticism – with the goal of establishing cross-cultural and trans-historical conversations, together with more localized historical analyses.
The corpus of Gnostic materials includes (but is not restricted to) testimonies from outsiders as well as insider literature such as the Nag Hammadi collection, the Hermetica, Neoplatonic texts, the Pistis Sophia, the books of Jeu, the Berlin and Tchacos codices, Manichaean documents, Mandaean scriptures, and contemporary Gnostic fiction/film and ‘revealed’ literature. The journal will publish the best of traditional historical and comparative scholarship while also featuring newer approaches that have received less attention in the established literature, such as cognitive science, cognitive linguistics, social memory, psychology, ethnography, sociology, and literary theory.
Executive Editors
April D. DeConick, Rice University, USA
Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Editorial Board
Jason BeDuhn, Northern Arizona University, USA
Dylan M. Burns, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Malcolm Choat, Macquarie, Australia
Kevin Corrigan, Emory University, USA
Nicola Denzey Lewis, Claremont Graduate University, USA
Ismo Dunderberg, University of Helsinki, Finland
Claire Fanger, Rice University, USA
Paul Foster, University of Edinburgh, UK
Majella Franzmann, Curtin University, Australia
André́ Gagné́, Concordia University, Canada
Iain Gardner, University of Sydney, Australia
Michael Kaler, York University, Canada
Todd Klutz, University of Manchester, UK
Jeffrey Kripal, Rice University, USA
Edmondo Lupieri, Loyola University Chicago, USA
Bas van Os, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands
Tuomas Rasimus, University of Helsinki, Finland
Madeleine Scopello, Paris-Sorbonne, France
Gregory Shaw, Stonehill College, USA
Kocku von Stuckrad, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Einar Thomassen, University of Bergen, Norway
Sofia Torallas Tovar, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Spain
Hugh Urban, Ohio State University, USA
Arthur Versluis, Michigan State University, USA
Jacques van der Vliet, Leiden University/Radboud University, The Netherlands
Executive Editors
April D. DeConick, Rice University, USA
Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Editorial Board
Jason BeDuhn, Northern Arizona University, USA
Dylan M. Burns, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Malcolm Choat, Macquarie, Australia
Kevin Corrigan, Emory University, USA
Nicola Denzey Lewis, Claremont Graduate University, USA
Ismo Dunderberg, University of Helsinki, Finland
Claire Fanger, Rice University, USA
Paul Foster, University of Edinburgh, UK
Majella Franzmann, Curtin University, Australia
André́ Gagné́, Concordia University, Canada
Iain Gardner, University of Sydney, Australia
Michael Kaler, York University, Canada
Todd Klutz, University of Manchester, UK
Jeffrey Kripal, Rice University, USA
Edmondo Lupieri, Loyola University Chicago, USA
Bas van Os, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands
Tuomas Rasimus, University of Helsinki, Finland
Madeleine Scopello, Paris-Sorbonne, France
Gregory Shaw, Stonehill College, USA
Kocku von Stuckrad, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Einar Thomassen, University of Bergen, Norway
Sofia Torallas Tovar, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Spain
Hugh Urban, Ohio State University, USA
Arthur Versluis, Michigan State University, USA
Jacques van der Vliet, Leiden University/Radboud University, The Netherlands
Gnosis: Journal of Gnostic Studies is a peer-reviewed publication devoted to the study of Gnostic religious currents from the ancient world to the modern, where ‘Gnostic’ is broadly conceived as a reference to special direct knowledge of the divine, which either transcends or transgresses conventional religious knowledge. It aims to publish academic papers on: the emergence of the Gnostic, in its many different historical and local cultural contexts; the Gnostic strands that persisted in the middle ages; and modern interpretations of Gnosticism – with the goal of establishing cross-cultural and trans-historical conversations, together with more localized historical analyses.
The corpus of Gnostic materials includes (but is not restricted to) testimonies from outsiders as well as insider literature such as the Nag Hammadi collection, the Hermetica, Neoplatonic texts, the Pistis Sophia, the books of Jeu, the Berlin and Tchacos codices, Manichaean documents, Mandaean scriptures, and contemporary Gnostic fiction/film and ‘revealed’ literature. The journal will publish the best of traditional historical and comparative scholarship while also featuring newer approaches that have received less attention in the established literature, such as cognitive science, cognitive linguistics, social memory, psychology, ethnography, sociology, and literary theory.
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