Online submission: Articles for publication in Global Responsibility to Protect can be submitted online through Editorial Manager, please click here.

Download Author Instructions (PDF).

Global Responsibility to Protect publishes research articles, interventions, book reviews, and special issues by academics and practitioners conducting work related to human protection. A list of topics and description of all the article types is available in the Author Instructions.
Outi Donovan, Griffith University
Eglantine Staunton, Australian National University
Shannon Zimmerman, Deakin University

Book Review Editor
Lucas de Belmont, University of Leeds

Editorial Board
Adekeye Adebajo, University of Pretoria
Adrian Gallagher, University of Leeds
Alex J. Bellamy, University of Queensland
Anastasia Shesterinina, University of York
Andy W. Knight, University of Alberta
Cecilia Jacob, Australian National University
Charles Hunt, RMIT
Hon Gareth Evans AC QC, Australian National University
James Pattison, University of Manchester
Jennifer M. Welsh, McGill University
Jess Gifkins, University of Technology Sydney
Karen Smith, Leiden University
Lucy Hall, University of Amsterdam
Luke Glanville, Australian National University
Nathalie Tocci, Istituto Affari Internazionali
Noel Morada, Chulalongkon University
Phil Orchard, University of Wollongong
Pınar Gözen Ercan, Hacettepe University
Sara E. Davies, Griffith University
Sarah Teitt, University of Queensland
Savita Pawnday, Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
Simon Adams, Centre for Victims of Torture
Tim Dunne, University of Surrey
Current Abstracts Electronic Collections Online
Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science)
Political Science Complete
TOC Premier
Global Responsibility to Protect (GR2P) is the leading journal for academic debates and analysis of best practices on the prevention of armed conflict, genocide and mass atrocities, and human protection broadly speaking. As such, it seeks to publish the best and latest research on atrocity prevention, human protection, human rights, global governance, diplomacy, humanitarianism, the ethics and law of armed conflict, peacekeeping, conflict resolution, peacebuilding, transitional justice, and accountability. As the premier journal for the study and practice of the responsibility to protect (R2P), the journal promotes a nuanced understanding of the principle and efforts to realise it, while encouraging critical debate and diversity of opinion. We accept articles that demonstrate theoretical innovation, and/or are built on strong methodological approaches and compelling empirical evidence. Toward this end, GR2P invites contributions from all over the world to help foster a global conversation around international responsibility and human protection. Contributions from academics, leading practitioners, and people impacted by atrocities and conflict are all welcome.

Annual Edward C. Luck Prize for Early Career Researchers (Global Responsibility to Protect)

Global Responsibility to Protect (GR2P)is now inviting submissions for the 2021 Edward C. Luck Prize. In 2021, GR2P established the prize in honour of our late Board Member, Professor Edward C. Luck, for his immense service and contributions through both his practitioner and scholarly roles. Professor Luck served as the Special Advisor to the United Nations Secretary-General on the Responsibility to Protect where he was instrumental in developing the concept and implementation of R2P. In his scholarly capacity, Professor Luck was also an influential scholar in the areas of international conflict and the United Nations, and was committed to mentoring early career researchers. For this reason, the editors and editorial board felt it was fitting to name a prize for ECRs in his honour.

The prize is open to all early career scholars, including doctoral candidates through to scholars who are up to eight years out of PhD at the time of submission.

Winners will be selected by a prize committee and announced in February. Prize winners will be listed on the Global Responsibility to Protect website, and will be awarded $500 of Brill book vouchers. Submissions should be made to GR2P no later than November each year to be considered for the following February announcement.


To submit, authors should provide a cover letter with their submission to the journal through the Editorial Manager Webpage indicating that they wish their submission to be considered for the prize. Submissions should adhere to the author guidelines.


The deadline for the next Edward C. Luck Prize closes on 30 November 2023. Prize winners will be announced in February 2024.

Queries can be made to the GR2P Co-Editors-in-Chief, Adrian Gallagher, Charlie Hunt or Cecilia Jacob.

Global Responsibility to Protect

Adrian Gallagher
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Charles T. Hunt
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Cecilia Jacob
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Global Responsibility to Protect (GR2P) is the leading journal for academic debates and analysis of best practices on the prevention of armed conflict, genocide and mass atrocities, and human protection broadly speaking. As such, it seeks to publish the best and latest research on atrocity prevention, human protection, human rights, global governance, diplomacy, humanitarianism, the ethics and law of armed conflict, peacekeeping, conflict resolution, peacebuilding, transitional justice, and accountability. As the premier journal for the study and practice of the responsibility to protect (R2P), the journal promotes a nuanced understanding of the principle and efforts to realise it, while encouraging critical debate and diversity of opinion. We accept articles that demonstrate theoretical innovation, and/or are built on strong methodological approaches and compelling empirical evidence. Toward this end, GR2P invites contributions from all over the world to help foster a global conversation around international responsibility and human protection. Contributions from academics, leading practitioners, and people impacted by atrocities and conflict are all welcome.
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