The central purpose of this paper is to establish the date of the burial of tomb 1.
The four white lekythoi, which were found in it, will be discussed concerning shape, use of colours, ornament, style and subject. The conclusion will be that these lekythoi are dated between 430 and 425 B.C.
Scopo principale di questo lavoro è stabilire la data di sepoltura della Tomba I. Le quattro lekythoi a fondo bianco che vi sono state rinvenute vengono discusse per quel che riguarda forma, uso dei colori, ornamenti, stile e soggetto. La conclusione è che queste lekythoi siano databili tra 430 e 425 a.C.
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Athusaki K. Drei weißgrundige Lekythen, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Athenische Abteilung 1970 85 52 53
Beazley J.D. Attic Red-Figure Vases II 1963 Oxford
Felten K.F. Thanatos-und Kleophonmaler 1971 München
Krug A. Binden in der griechischen Kunst 1968 Hösel
Kunze-Götte E. Akanthussäule und Grabmonument in der Darstellung eines Lekythenmalers, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Athenische Abteilung 1984 99 185 197
Kunze-Götte E. Schmidt St. & Oakley J.H. Beobachtungen zur Darstellungsweise sepulkraker Thematik auf weißgrundigen Lekythen Hermeneutik der Bilder. Beiträge zur Ikonographie und Interpretation griechischer Vasenmalerei 2009 4 München 53 64 Beihefte zum CVA Deutschland
Kurtz D.C. Athenian White Lekythoi: Patterns and Painters 1975 Oxford
Nakayama N. Untersuchung der auf weißgrundigen Lekythen dargestellten Grabmäler 1982 Freiburg
Oakley J.H. The Phiale Painter 1990 Mainz
Oakley J.H. The Achilles Painter 1997 Mainz
Oakley J.H. Picturing death in Classical Athens. The evidence of the white lekythoi 2004 Cambridge
Riezler W. Weissgrundige attische Lekythen nach Adolf Furtwänglers Auswahl II 1914 München
Stampolidis N. Chr. & Parlama L. Athens: The City beneath the City. Antiquities from the Metropolitan Railway Excavations 2000 Athens
Tzachou-Alexandri O. Athenaiki levki lekythos apo ton archaio Oropo, Philia epi eis Georgion E. Mylonan III 1989 Athens
Wehgartner I. Attisch weissgrundige Keramik—Maltechniken, Werkstätten, Formen, Verwendung 1983 Mainz
Kurtz 1975, fig. 4g.
Nakayama 1982, Stelentyp A IV, 60-5.
Nakayama 1982, Stelentyp E V/VI, 119-31; Kunze-Götte 1984, 185-97.
For this type of tainia see Krug 1968, 3-9 (type 1); Oakley 2004, 204.
See Oakley 2004, 203-6.
See Oakley 2004, 145-214. See also Kunze-Götte 2009, 53-64.
Oakley 2004, fig. 116.
Oakley 2004, fig. 123.
Kurtz 1975, pl. 41.2.
Oakley 2004, fig. 128.
Athusaki 1970, 52-3; Felten 1971, 98.
Felten, 1971, 97, pl. 13,1-2.
Oakley 2004, fig. 47; Tzachou-Alexandri 1989, pl. 18-19.24.
Stampolidis and Parlama 2000, n. 234; CVA Berlin, Antikenmuseum 8 (Deutschland 62) pl. 27-8.
Nakayama 1982, 203-11.
Kunze-Götte 1984, 185-97.
Thanatos Painter: Riezler 1914, pl. 28, 30, 32, 54, 55; Felten 1971, pl. 2.2, 7.3, 8.1. 27. 4, 27.6.
Athens NM 1955, Beazley, ARV² 1372,4 = Riezler, pl. 71; Oakley 2004, fig. 127-9. For the Woman Painter generally see: Kurtz 1975, 57; Oakley 2004, 17-18.
For the youth compare München 6027, CVA München 15 (Deutschland 87) pl. 63, 1.
See Athens NM 1955, above n.23.
Compare Oakley 1990, pl. 109-11, 113, 145; Oakley 1997, 182.
See Oakley 1997, 105-6, 106-7; Oakley 2004, 16-17.
See Kurtz 1975, 52-6; Oakley 1997, 106-108; Oakley 2004, 17.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 418 | 82 | 14 |
Full Text Views | 263 | 1 | 0 |
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The central purpose of this paper is to establish the date of the burial of tomb 1.
The four white lekythoi, which were found in it, will be discussed concerning shape, use of colours, ornament, style and subject. The conclusion will be that these lekythoi are dated between 430 and 425 B.C.
Scopo principale di questo lavoro è stabilire la data di sepoltura della Tomba I. Le quattro lekythoi a fondo bianco che vi sono state rinvenute vengono discusse per quel che riguarda forma, uso dei colori, ornamenti, stile e soggetto. La conclusione è che queste lekythoi siano databili tra 430 e 425 a.C.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 418 | 82 | 14 |
Full Text Views | 263 | 1 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 132 | 8 | 2 |