An attempt is made to show, by means of an analysis of the way in which Grotius deals with the figure of Christ in De Veritate, and by a comparison of his account in that work with the ones in his earlier works Meletius and De Satisfactione Christi, that the accusations of Socinianism, raised against him by his adversaries, were by no means unjustified. In fact, the dogmas of the Trinity and of the dual nature of Christ play no role in De Veritate and the presentation of the figure of Christ is very similar to that of Socinus. At the end of the paper I also try to explain why Grotius felt increasingly strongly drawn towards Socinianism.
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Ibid., p. 206.
Ibid., p. 259.
Ibid., V.22, pp. 261-262.
Ibid., pp. 263-264.
Ibid., VI.9, p. 280.
Kuenen, ‘Hugo Grotius als Ausleger des alten Testaments’, pp. 184- 185: ‘Nun ist zwar Jeremia, wie immer wieder betont wird, „figura Christi“; aber Jesaias´s Worte passen doch „sensu primitivo“ auf Jeremia selbst, wie wir in der Anm. zu c. 53,1 lesen: „Hae notae in Jeremiam quidem congruunt prius“. Freilich wird hinzugefügt: „sed potius sublimiusque, saepe et magis kata lexin, in Christum“ (vgl. zu v.2.5); aber wie sehr es Grotius damit Ernst gewesen sein mag, den Beweis, den man aus Jes. 53 zu schöpfen pflegte und es selbst früher darauf begründet hatte, giebt er hier doch preis.’
Ibid., pp. 60-61, where Franciscus Suárez, Dominicus de Soto, De iustitia et iure, (which is a commentary on Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, II-II, quaest. 47-171) and Alphonsus a Castro are cited.
G.H.M. Posthumus Meyjes, ‘Hugo Grotius as an irenicist’, in The world of Hugo Grotius (1583-1645). Proceedings or the International Colloquium… Rotterdam 6-9 April 1983 (Amsterdam-Maarssen 1984), pp. 43-63, in particular p. 55: ‘The fact is that he never was a Calvinist. […] Indeed, he always kept Calvin at arm´s length […].’
Ibid., p. 117.
Renè Voeltzel, ‘La Mèthode thèologique de Hugo Grotius’, Revue d´Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 32 (1952), pp. 126-133: ‘Grotius, Socinien ici sur le fond, s´est mal défendu des reproches de silence à ce sujet que lui adressa son frère Guillaume.’
Quoted from Kuenen, ‘Grotius als Ausleger’, p. 170, note 4, which refers to B. Glasius, Godgeleerd Nederland: biographisch woordenboek van Nederlandsche godgeleerden, 3 vols (’s-Hertogenbosch,1852-1856), I, p. 576.
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An attempt is made to show, by means of an analysis of the way in which Grotius deals with the figure of Christ in De Veritate, and by a comparison of his account in that work with the ones in his earlier works Meletius and De Satisfactione Christi, that the accusations of Socinianism, raised against him by his adversaries, were by no means unjustified. In fact, the dogmas of the Trinity and of the dual nature of Christ play no role in De Veritate and the presentation of the figure of Christ is very similar to that of Socinus. At the end of the paper I also try to explain why Grotius felt increasingly strongly drawn towards Socinianism.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 376 | 66 | 10 |
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