The debate around labour power, and particularly regarding its status as the ‘most peculiar’ of commodities, has been widely revisited in contemporary Marxist thought and critical theory. This concept, which has often resurfaced in works by Negri, Spivak, Virno and numerous other contemporary thinkers, has a long prehistory in the work of Marx and subsequent Marxist theorists, perhaps most importantly in the work of Uno Kōzō, arguably the most influential and widely known Marxist thinker in modern Japan. Uno’s work, and particularly his major theoretical works of the 1950s, developed an entire logical analysis of the peculiar position of the labour-power commodity within capital’s drive, noting that this site marks the place wherein capital’s logical interior and its historical exterior interpenetrate each other, generating a volatile force of excess at the core of capital’s supposedly smooth and pure circuit-process. By developing around this point an extensive theoretical discussion of its dynamics of impossibility or irrationality, centred on a term – muri – that he raises to the level of a concept, Uno formulates a series of original theses in methodology, on the concept of population, and particularly around the figures of the logical and the historical in the critical analysis of capitalism. Focusing in particular on this ‘impossibility’ or muri that is nevertheless constantly ‘passing through’ the capital-relation, this essay investigates the entire range of Uno’s analysis, revealing not only a crucial thread of theoretical inquiry that remains contemporary for us today, but also another set of possibilities linking the critique of political economy to the renewal of revolutionary politics.
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Oki Kōsuke Yojō no seiji keizaigaku The Political Economy of Excess 2012 Tokyo Nihon Keizai Hyōronsha
Ōuchi Hideaki et al. Uno Kōzō: chosaku to shisō Uno Kōzō: Work and Thought 1979 Tokyo Yūhikaku
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Uno Kōzō ‘Rōdōryoku naru shōhin no tokushusei ni tsuite’ On the Specificity of Labour Power as a Commodity Uno Kōzō chosakushū 1973c Volume 3 Tokyo Hōsei University Press
Uno Kōzō ‘Rōdōryoku no kachi to kakaku’ The Value and Price of Labour Power Uno Kōzō chosakushū 1973d Volume 4 Tokyo Hōsei University Press
Uno Kōzō ‘Keizaigaku ni okeru ronshō to jisshō’ The Structure of Theoretical Proof and Empirical Proof in Political Economy Uno Kōzō chosakushū 1973e Volume 4 Tokyo Hōsei University Press
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Uno Kōzō ‘Shihonron no kakushin’ Capital’s Nucleus Uno Kōzō chosakushū 1973h Volume 11 Tokyo Hōsei University Press
Uno Kōzō Uno Kōzō chosakushū Collected Works of Uno Kōzō 1973i Tokyo Iwanami Shoten eleven volumes
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Walker Gavin ‘Kenryoku toshite no shihon: Seijiteki kake to kyō no kishōsei’ Capital as Power: The Political Wager and the Rarity of the Commons Muri to iu iki to kyō no seisan The Threshold of Impossibility [muri] and the Production of the Commons 2010b Part 2, Jōkyō, October: 185–203
Walker Gavin ‘Postcoloniality and the National Question in Marxist Historiography: Elements of the Debate on Japanese Capitalism’ Interventions 2011a 13 1 120 137
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Walker Gavin Yutaka Nagahara ‘Shihon no puroretariateki reido: Gaibu no seijiteki butsurigaku’ Capital’s Proletarian Degree Zero: The Political Physics of the Outside Seiji keizaigaku no seiji tetsugakuteki fukken: Riron no rironteki ‘rinkai-gaibu’ ni mukete Political-Philosophical Resurrections of Political Economy: Towards the Theoretical ‘Limit-Outside’ of Theory 2011c Tokyo Hōsei University Press
Walker Gavin ‘Shihon no sekai ni okeru “gaitō no jujitsu”: Kyōkō, kokka, kokusai’ The ‘Facts of the Streets’ in the World of Capital: Crisis, State, and the National Debt Gendai shisō: Revue de la pensée d’aujourd’hui 2012a 40 2 96 109
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Engels 1962, p. 487; Engels 1975, p. 563. Translation modified.
Uno 1973c, p. 495.
Bidet 2007, p. 730.
Marx 1996, pp. 760–1.
Bidet 2007, p. 740. My italics.
Lenin 1976b, p. 317. See on this point Uno 1973g, in particular pp. 4–7.
Marx 1962c, p. 839; Marx 1998, p. 818. Translation modified.
Lenin 1976a, p. 437.
Uno 1973h, pp. 32–4.
Marx 1977, p. 203; Marx 1962a, p. 401.
Marx 1996, p. 178; Marx 1962b, p. 182.
Marx 1994, p. 247; Marx 1982, p. 2288.
Marx 1994, p. 243.
Virno 1999, pp. 120–41; Spivak 1993, p. 108.
Uno 1973a, pp. 134–5.
Marx 1962b, p. 181; Marx 1996, p. 177. Translation modified.
Virno 1999, p. 127.
Uno 1973g, p. 9.
Uno 1973a, pp. 134–5. On this passage, see Yutaka Nagahara’s many writings on the term ‘muri’, now collected in Nagahara 2008, especially pp. 169–81. I would like to note the importance of the phrase ‘actually commodified [genjitsuteki ni shōhinka shinagara]’, and point out that Uno here refers implicitly to the Hegelian concept of ‘the actual [das Wirkliche]’ in the adverbial form genjitsuteki ni, which connotes a wide-ranging conceptual field: the real, working, operative, etc. In this sense, ‘actuality [wirklich; Wirklichkeit]’ indicates something ‘for-itself’, something that gathers contingencies around it, and makes them operate in accordance with an interior force of pulsion or drive. This is one of the reasons that ‘actuality’ in this sense is a decisive concept in relation to capital, and holds an important place in Uno’s thought. I cannot expand on it for reasons of space here, but elsewhere I take another opportunity to develop Uno’s implicit discussion of actuality in relation to the dual roles of Hegel and Spinoza in his work.
Uno 1973a, p. 138.
Marx 1962a, p. 214. As noted earlier, it should be remembered that the phrase ‘labour power [Arbeitskraft]’ only appears in these manuscripts after Engels’s editorial intervention in the 1891 republication.
Uno 1973c, p. 487. In Japanese-language Marxist theory, the original German abbreviations W = Ware, G = Geld, Pm = Produktionsmittel, A = Arbeitskraft, etc. are usually retained, but I have changed these to the standard abbreviations in English: C = commodity, M = money, MP = means of production, LP = labour power, c = constant capital, v = variable capital, s = surplus value.
Uno 1973c, p. 487.
Marx 1962b, p. 181; Marx 1996, p. 177. Translation modified.
See here Uno 1973c, pp. 488–90.
Marx 1962b, p. 185; Marx 1996, p. 181.
See here Uno 1973e.
Uno 1973b, pp. 76–7.
Marx 1962a, p. 616; Marx 1996, p. 585.
Oki 2004, pp. 130–1. This essay has now been included in Oki’s new and important book, Yojō no seiji keizaigaku [The Political Economy of Excess] (See Oki 2012), which develops numerous important and original theses related to the work of Uno.
Laibman 1992, pp. 50–1.
Marx 1987, p. 383; Marx 1983, p. 368.
Uno 1973c, p. 497.
Marx 1996, p. 176; Marx 1962a, p. 180.
Marx 1987, p. 337; Marx 1983, pp. 323–4. Here, let me note an important conceptual and terminological point: the careful distinction between ‘limit’ [Grenze] and ‘barrier’ or ‘border’ [Schranke], which in turn concerns the essential relations governing the tendency [Tendenz] of capital’s ‘drive’ [Trieb], a sequence closely related to the concepts of ‘antagonism’ [Gegenstand] and ‘contradiction’ [Widerspruch]. I develop this point in relation to Uno’s work in greater detail in my current book-manuscript.
Marx 1962b, p. 630; Marx 1996, p. 599.
Laibman 1992, p. 51.
Uno 1973h, p. 34.
Žižek 2006, p. 298.
Uno 1973f, p. 42. This point is closely related to the central status of the agrarian question in Uno. See Walker 2012b.
Marx 1987, p. 425; Marx 1983, p. 408.
Adachi 2007, p. 274, my emphasis.
Uno 1973c, p. 502.
Marx 1962b, pp. 630–1; Marx 1996, p. 599.
Uno 1973a, pp. 134–5.
Uno 1973d, p. 132.
Uno 1973c, p. 497.
Aoki 2000, p. 183.
Uno 1973e, p. 19.
Hegel 1971, p. 235 (§ 114).
Badiou and Critchley 2007, p. 363. For another point of entry into the question of Badiou’s relation to Marx, see Walker 2012c.
Badiou 1988, pp. 397–8.
See Uno 1973c, p. 497.
Marx 1996, p. 573; Marx 1962b, pp. 598–9.
Badiou and Balmès 1976, p. 67.
Marx 1989, p. 88; Marx 1962d, p. 23.
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The debate around labour power, and particularly regarding its status as the ‘most peculiar’ of commodities, has been widely revisited in contemporary Marxist thought and critical theory. This concept, which has often resurfaced in works by Negri, Spivak, Virno and numerous other contemporary thinkers, has a long prehistory in the work of Marx and subsequent Marxist theorists, perhaps most importantly in the work of Uno Kōzō, arguably the most influential and widely known Marxist thinker in modern Japan. Uno’s work, and particularly his major theoretical works of the 1950s, developed an entire logical analysis of the peculiar position of the labour-power commodity within capital’s drive, noting that this site marks the place wherein capital’s logical interior and its historical exterior interpenetrate each other, generating a volatile force of excess at the core of capital’s supposedly smooth and pure circuit-process. By developing around this point an extensive theoretical discussion of its dynamics of impossibility or irrationality, centred on a term – muri – that he raises to the level of a concept, Uno formulates a series of original theses in methodology, on the concept of population, and particularly around the figures of the logical and the historical in the critical analysis of capitalism. Focusing in particular on this ‘impossibility’ or muri that is nevertheless constantly ‘passing through’ the capital-relation, this essay investigates the entire range of Uno’s analysis, revealing not only a crucial thread of theoretical inquiry that remains contemporary for us today, but also another set of possibilities linking the critique of political economy to the renewal of revolutionary politics.
All Time | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 570 | 95 | 6 |
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