
Bureaucratic Caesarism

A Gramscian Outlook on the Crisis of Europe

In: Historical Materialism
Razmig Keucheyan University of Paris-Sorbonne

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Cédric Durand University of Paris-Villetaneuse

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In 2010, the Eurozone became the epicentre of the world crisis. The vulnerability of Europe appears to be linked to the specific institutional arrangement which organises monetary, financial and budgetary policies within the Eurozone. This article tries to understand the evolution of the eu during a short but decisive historical sequence (2007–12) in a theoretical framework that puts elements of Gramsci’s reflections on the theme of crisis, and especially his notion of ‘Caesarism’, at its centre. It addresses the current debate concerning the relationships between democratic politics and neoliberalism, while focusing on how the radicalisation of the crisis put at stake the co-construction of capitalism and representative democracy in the Western world since wwii.

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