The theoretical problem Bensaïd tries to confront from the 1990s onwards is the problem of the categories that are necessary to account for the traumatically new experience of history opened up by the defeat of the revolutionary experiments of the twentieth century. Hence the necessity of new answers to these fundamental and inexhaustible questions: How are we to understand history in its relation to human practice and to politics? Can we talk of ‘necessity’ in history, of ‘laws of history’, of ‘determination’, or ‘determinism’, or of modes of causality operating within it? How are we to conceive the notions of ‘historical possibility’, of ‘conflict’ and ‘struggle’? Bensaïd’s contribution will focus on a dialectical notion of temporality that implies a primacy of politics over history and a break with the traditional Marxist notions of a historical subject as an internally homogeneous and fully-sovereign collective force.
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Bensaïd Daniel La discordance des temps 1995b Paris Les éditions de la passion
Bensaïd Daniel Le Pari mélancolique 1997 Paris Fayard
Bensaïd Daniel Éloge de la résistance à l’air du temps 1999 Paris Textuel
Bensaïd Daniel Les irréductibles. Théorèmes de la résistance à l’air du temps 2001 Paris Textuel
Bensaïd Daniel ‘“Leaps! Leaps! Leaps!”: Lenin and Politics’ International Socialism Journal 2002 95 available at: <>
Bensaïd Daniel Le nouvel internationalisme 2003 Paris Textuel
Bensaïd Daniel Une lente impatience 2004 Paris Stock
Bensaïd Daniel ‘The Return of Strategy’ International Socialism Journal 2007 113 available at: <>
Bensaïd Daniel Éloge d’une politique profane 2008 Paris Albin Michel
Bensaïd Daniel Elliott Gregory Marx for our Times: Adventures and Misadventures of a Critique 2009 London Verso
Bensaïd Daniel Walter Benjamin, sentinelle messianique 2010 Paris Les prairies ordinaires
Bensaïd Daniel La politique comme art stratégique 2011 Paris Syllepse
Bensaïd Daniel Fernbach David An Impatient Life: A Memoir 2013 London Verso
Derrida Jacques Spectres de Marx 1993 Paris Galilée
Derrida Jacques Kamuf Peggy Specters of Marx 1994 New York Routledge
Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Miller A.V. Philosophy of Nature. Being Part Two of the Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences 1970 Oxford Clarendon Press [1830]
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Traverso Enzo ‘La concordance des temps. Walter Benjamin et Daniel Bensaïd’ Bensaïd 2010 2010
Bensaïd 1995a and 2009.
Derrida 1993 and 1994.
Bensaïd 2009, pp. 188–9.
Benjamin 1968, p. 258.
See Kant 1998, pp. 174–92.
Bensaïd 1995b, 1999 and 2001.
Hegel 1970, pp. 33–40.
Badiou 2005.
Bensaïd 2010, p. 124.
Bensaïd 2010.
Bensaïd 2010, p. 230.
Traverso 2010, pp. 7–29.
Traverso 2010, p. 20.
Bensaïd 2009, p. 4.
Tombazos 1994 and 2013.
Bensaïd 2009, p. 255.
Bensaïd 2009, p. 257.
Bensaïd 2009, p. 251.
Bensaïd 2009, p. 252.
Bensaïd 2009, p. 271.
Bensaïd 2009, p. 281.
Bensaïd 2009, p. 284.
Hegel 1991, p. 22.
Bensaïd 2009, p. 269.
Bensaïd 2009, p. 270.
Bensaïd 2008, pp. 279–311; Bensaïd 2003, pp. 47–74; Bensaïd 2007.
Bensaïd 2008, p. 337.
Benjamin 1968, p. 261.
Bensaïd 2004 and 2013.
Bensaïd 1995b.
Bensaïd 2008, p. 337.
Bensaïd 2007, 2002 and 2011.
Bensaïd 2007.
Bensaïd 2008, pp. 233–77.
Bensaïd 2008, p. 266.
Lenin 1977, pp. 323–69.
Bensaïd 2002.
Bensaïd 1997, p. 258.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 608 | 168 | 46 |
Full Text Views | 524 | 5 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 558 | 11 | 0 |
The theoretical problem Bensaïd tries to confront from the 1990s onwards is the problem of the categories that are necessary to account for the traumatically new experience of history opened up by the defeat of the revolutionary experiments of the twentieth century. Hence the necessity of new answers to these fundamental and inexhaustible questions: How are we to understand history in its relation to human practice and to politics? Can we talk of ‘necessity’ in history, of ‘laws of history’, of ‘determination’, or ‘determinism’, or of modes of causality operating within it? How are we to conceive the notions of ‘historical possibility’, of ‘conflict’ and ‘struggle’? Bensaïd’s contribution will focus on a dialectical notion of temporality that implies a primacy of politics over history and a break with the traditional Marxist notions of a historical subject as an internally homogeneous and fully-sovereign collective force.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 608 | 168 | 46 |
Full Text Views | 524 | 5 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 558 | 11 | 0 |