Malgorzata Fidelis in her book Women, Communism, and Industrialization in Postwar Poland sets out to examine gender policies during Stalinism and their transformation under the subsequent ‘Polish road to socialism’. She shows that the relative political liberalisation in the late 1950s was also accompanied by the abandonment of policies favouring women and the return to conservative prewar gender hierarchies. The essay finds that the book is a valuable contribution to the understanding of the vicissitudes of gender struggle during Communism in Poland. It also makes a contribution to the understanding of how the principles declared by the Communist Party were modified in response not only to economic necessities but also to local cultures and popular struggles. In this way it sheds light on the process of the legitimation of the Communist regime in Poland and beyond by accommodating demands from below.
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See Makowski (ed.) 2014.
For example Kondratowicz 2001, 2013; Penn 2006; Wiśniewska 2010.
Jarosz 2009.
See Pittaway 1999.
See Deutscher 1966, pp. 27–51.
Harman 1974, p. 108.
Harman 1974, pp. 111–12.
Karol 1965, pp. 40–2.
See Fuchs 2013; Funk 2004.
Fuszara 2005, pp. 1065–71; Guenther 2011; Matynia 2003, pp. 502–10; Sloat 2005.
See Graff 2008; Środa 2009, especially pp. 289–306.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 733 | 96 | 15 |
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Malgorzata Fidelis in her book Women, Communism, and Industrialization in Postwar Poland sets out to examine gender policies during Stalinism and their transformation under the subsequent ‘Polish road to socialism’. She shows that the relative political liberalisation in the late 1950s was also accompanied by the abandonment of policies favouring women and the return to conservative prewar gender hierarchies. The essay finds that the book is a valuable contribution to the understanding of the vicissitudes of gender struggle during Communism in Poland. It also makes a contribution to the understanding of how the principles declared by the Communist Party were modified in response not only to economic necessities but also to local cultures and popular struggles. In this way it sheds light on the process of the legitimation of the Communist regime in Poland and beyond by accommodating demands from below.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 733 | 96 | 15 |
Full Text Views | 301 | 5 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 152 | 12 | 0 |