This text introduces a symposium on the thought and legacy of the French Marxist, Daniel Bensaïd. The authors consider Bensaïd’s theoretical contributions to Marxism, especially the concepts of temporality, political strategy, and revolutionary organisation, as well as his ability to fuse militant activism and intellectual work. This is followed by brief summaries of the articles gathered in the symposium, and a reflection on Bensaïd’s relevance for future Marxist research.
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Artous Antoine & Bensaïd Daniel ‘Que faire? (1903) et la création de la Ligue communiste (1969)’ Critique communiste 1976 6
Bensaïd Daniel ‘Grève générale, front unique, dualité du pouvoir’ Critique communiste 1979 26
Bensaïd Daniel ‘Revolutionary Strategy Today’ Notebooks for Study and Research 1987 4
Bensaïd Daniel Walter Benjamin: Sentinelle Messianique 1990 Paris Plon
Bensaïd Daniel Le pari mélancolique. Métamorphoses de la politique, politique des métamorphoses 1997 Paris Fayard
Bensaïd Daniel Elliott Gregory Marx for Our Times: Adventures and Misadventures of a Critique 2002 London Verso
Bensaïd Daniel Budgen Sebastian, Kouvelakis Stathis & Žižek Slavoj ‘“Leaps, Leaps, Leaps”: Lenin and Politics’ Lenin Reloaded: Toward a Politics of Truth 2007a Durham, NC. Duke University Press
Bensaïd Daniel ‘The Return of Strategy’ International Socialism 2007b 113 available at: <>.
Bensaïd Daniel ‘Stratégie et politique: De Marx à la IIIe Internationale’ 2007c paper presented at the ‘Marx au XXIe siècle’ seminar series held in Paris, available at: <>.
Bensaïd Daniel Fernbach David An Impatient Life: A Memoir 2014a London Verso
Bensaïd Daniel King Patrick ‘The Notion of the Revolutionary Crisis in Lenin’ Viewpoint Magazine 2014b 4 available at: <>.
Camfield David ‘Theoretical Foundations of an Anti-racist Queer Feminist Historical Materialism’ Critical Sociology 2014 42 2 1 18
Sabado Francois Daniel Bensaïd, l’intempestif 2012 Paris La Découverte
Tomba Massimiliano Thomas Peter D. & Farris Sara R. Marx’s Temporalities Historical Materialism 2013 Leiden Brill Book Series
Tombazos Stavros Georgiou Christakis Time in Capital: The Categories of Time in Marx’s Capital Historical Materialism 2014 Leiden Brill Book Series
Bensaïd 2014a.
Tomba 2013 and Tombazos 2014. Tombazos published his dissertation in French in 1994, a year before Marx l’intempestif, with a preface by Daniel Bensaïd. The indebtedness of Bensaïd’s insights on temporality to his exchanges with Tombazos (at that time his student at the University of Paris 8) and to his work on Marx’s Capital and Hegel’s Science of Logic is explicitly acknowledged by Bensaïd in Marx for Our Times and other works.
Bensaïd 2007b. For his contributions to strategic debates within the lcr and on the history of Marxism, see Bensaïd 1979, Bensaïd 2007a, and Artous and Bensaïd 1976.
See Bensaïd 1987.
Bensaïd 2014b. See also Bensaïd 2007c.
Camfield 2014.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 450 | 59 | 1 |
Full Text Views | 100 | 2 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 94 | 20 | 0 |
This text introduces a symposium on the thought and legacy of the French Marxist, Daniel Bensaïd. The authors consider Bensaïd’s theoretical contributions to Marxism, especially the concepts of temporality, political strategy, and revolutionary organisation, as well as his ability to fuse militant activism and intellectual work. This is followed by brief summaries of the articles gathered in the symposium, and a reflection on Bensaïd’s relevance for future Marxist research.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 450 | 59 | 1 |
Full Text Views | 100 | 2 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 94 | 20 | 0 |