Daniel Bensaïd’s theoretical and political framework deserves to be habitually known in the English-speaking world. His philosophical work has a universal dimension, but because it was also the product of particular political upsurges and downturns, it is necessary to understand these particular political moments to thoroughly understand the universal scope and significance of his work. This paper will look at these political developments (with a focus on France) and pay particular attention to the crisis of the workers’ movement, strategy and Marxism.
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Aguiton, Christophe and Daniel Bensaïd 1997, Le retour de la question sociale. Le renouveau des mouvements sociaux en France, Lausanne: Éditions Page deux.
Anderson, Perry 1984, In the Tracks of Historical Materialism, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Artous, Antoine 2011, ‘Daniel Bensaïd ou la politique comme art stratégique’, in Bensaïd 2011b.
Bantigny, Ludivine 2016, ‘Nicos Poulantzas et la Ligue communiste révolutionnaire: receptions et discussions’, in Ducange and Keucheyan 2016.
Bensaïd, Daniel 1975, ‘Lotta Continua: The Ups and Downs of a Certain Realism’, Fourth International, 20–21.
Bensaïd, Daniel 1976, La Révolution et le pouvoir, Paris: Stock.
Bensaïd, Daniel 1977, ‘Eurocommunisme, Austromarxisme et Bolchevisme’, Critique Communiste, 18–19, available at: <https://www.danielbensaid.org/Eurocommunisme-austromarxisme-et-bolchevisme?lang=fr>.
Bensaïd, Daniel 1980, ‘The Roots of the Crisis’, International Socialism Journal, 2, 9, available at: <https://www.marxists.org/archive/bensaid/1980/xx/rootscrisis.html>.
Bensaïd, Daniel 1984, ‘Marxisme contre totalitarisme’, Critique Communiste, available at: <http://danielbensaid.org/Marxisme-contre-totalitarisme?lang=fr>.
Bensaïd, Daniel 1985, ‘Notes pour continuer la discussion’, available at: <http://danielbensaid.org/Notes-pour-continuer-la-discussion?lang=fr>.
Bensaïd, Daniel 1986, ‘Contribution à un débat nécessaire sur la situation politique et notre projet de construction du parti’, Critique Communiste, January, available at: <http://danielbensaid.org/Contribution-a-un-debat-necessaire-sur-la-situation-politique-et-notre-projet?lang=fr>.
Bensaïd, Daniel 1989, Moi, la Révolution, Paris: Gallimard.
Bensaïd, Daniel 1991, Jeanne de guerre lasse, Paris: Galllimard.
Bensaïd, Daniel 1995, La discordance des temps, Paris: Les Éditions de la Passion.
Bensaïd, Daniel 2001, ‘Mémoire d’habilitation, une lente impatience: La politique, les résistances, l’événement’, available at: <https://danielbensaid.org/Memoire-d-habilitation-une-lente-impatience?lang=fr>.
Bensaïd, Daniel 2002a, Marx for Our Times: Adventures and Misadventures of a Critique, translated by Gregory Elliott, London: Verso.
Bensaïd, Daniel 2002b, ‘ “Leaps! Leaps! Leaps!”: Lenin and Politics’, International Socialism Journal, 95, available at: <http://pubs.socialistreviewindex.org.uk/isj95/bensaid.htm>.
Bensaïd, Daniel 2004, ‘ “Avec ou contre Marx, mais pas sans!” ’, interview by Olivier Doubre, Politis, available at: <http://danielbensaid.org/Avec-ou-contre-Marx-mais-pas-sans?lang=fr>.
Bensaïd, Daniel 2007a, ‘The Return of Strategy’, International Socialism Journal, 113, available at: <http://isj.org.uk/the-return-of-strategy/>.
Bensaïd, Daniel 2007b, ‘De Marx à la Troisième International’, paper presented at the Séminaire Marx: ‘Marx au XXIe siècle: l’esprit et la lettre’, available at: <https://www.danielbensaid.org/De-Marx-a-la-IIIe-Internationale>.
Bensaïd, Daniel 2008a, Éloge de la politique profane, Paris: Albin Michel.
Bensaïd, Daniel 2008b, ‘Karl Marx, la Commune et le Nouveau parti anticapitaliste’, interview by Stephane Allies, Mediapart, available at: <https://danielbensaid.org/Karl-Marx-la-Commune-et-le-Nouveau-parti-anticapitaliste?lang=fr>.
Bensaïd, Daniel 2009, Strategies for Resistance and ‘Who Are the Trotskyists?’, London: International Institute for Research and Education/Resistance Books.
Bensaïd, Daniel 2010a, ‘Powers of Communism’, translated by Nathan Rao, International Viewpoint, 420, available at: <http://www.internationalviewpoint.org/spip.php?article1799&var_recherche=upheaval>.
Bensaïd, Daniel 2010b [1990], Walter Benjamin, sentinelle messianique. À la gauche du possible, Paris: Les Prairies Ordinaires.
Bensaïd, Daniel 2011a, Le Spectacle, stade ultime du fétichisme de la marchandise, Paris: Lignes.
Bensaïd, Daniel 2011b, La Politique comme art stratégique, Paris: Syllepse.
Bensaïd, Daniel 2013, An Impatient Life: A Memoir, translated by David Fernbach, London: Verso.
Bensaïd, Daniel 2014, ‘Join the Rearguard that Does not Surrender’, in Tombazos 2014.
Bensaïd, Daniel 2016, ‘Stratégie et Parti’, in Stratégie et parti, by Daniel Bensaïd, Ugo Palheta and Julien Salingue, Paris: Les Prairies Ordinaires.
Bensaïd, Daniel and Antoine Artous 1976, ‘Que Faire? (1903) et la Création de la Ligue Communiste (1969)’, Critique Communiste, 6, available at: <https://www.danielbensaid.org/Que-faire-1903–et-la-creation-de>.
Bensaïd, Daniel and Antoine Artous 1977, ‘Hégémonie, autogestion et dictature du proletariat’, Critique Communiste, 16, available at: <https://www.danielbensaid.org/Hegemonie-autogestion-et-dictature>.
Bensaïd, Daniel and Antoine Artous 1987, ‘À L’Ouest, Questions de Stratégie’, Critique Communiste, 65, available at: <https://www.danielbensaid.org/A-l-Ouest-questions-de-strategie?lang=fr>.
Bensaïd, Daniel and Alain Krivine 1988, Mai sí! 1968–1988, rebelles et repentis, Paris: La Brèche.
Bensaïd, Daniel and Ernest Mandel 1989, manuscript on the defence of revolution, found in Bensaïd’s personal documents.
Bensaïd, Daniel and Henri Weber 1968, Mai 1968 [i.e. dix-neuf cent soixante-huit]: une répétition générale, Paris: François Maspero.
Ducange, Jean-Numa and Razmig Keucheyan 2016, La fin de d’État démocratique: Nicos Poulantzas, un marxisme pour le XXIe siècle, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Harman, Chris 1979, ‘Crisis of the European Revolutionary Left’, International Socialism Journal, 4, available at: <https://www.marxists.org/archive/harman/1979/xx/eurevleft.html>.
Johsua, Florence 2015, Anticapitalistes, Paris: La Découverte.
Kouvelakis, Stathis 2010, ‘Daniel Bensaïd: la dialectique du temps et de la lutte’, Lignes, 32: 59–66.
Krivine, Alain 2006, Ca te passera avec l’âge, Paris: Flammarion.
Ligue Communiste 1972, Ce que veut la Ligue Communiste, Paris: François Maspero.
Michaloux, Charles, Francois Sabado and Olivier Besancenot 2012, ‘Combattre et penser’, in Sabado (ed.) 2012.
Poulantzas, Nicos 2008, ‘The State and the Transition to Socialism’, interview by Henri Weber, in The Poulantzas Reader: Marxism, Law, and the State, London: Verso.
Revolutionary Communist League 1975, Une Chance Historique Pour La Révolution, Paris: Cahier Rouge.
Revolutionary Communist League 1978, Oui, Le Socialisme!, Paris: François Maspero.
Revolutionary Communist League 1991, À la gauche du possible, Paris: La Brèche.
Roso, Darren 2015, ‘Daniel Bensaïd and the Primacy of Politics’, paper presented at the Historical Materialism Conference, London, 8 November.
Roso, Darren 2016a, ‘Daniel Bensaïd and “The Last Generation of October” ’, Marxist Left Review, 12.
Roso, Darren 2016b, ‘Daniel Bensaïd’s Critical Obsession with Foucault’, paper presented at the Historical Materialism Conference, London, 13 November.
Roso, Darren (forthcoming), Daniel Bensaïd: From the Actuality of Revolution to the Melancholic Wager, Historical Materialism Book Series, Leiden: Brill.
Roso, Darren and Fabio Mascaro 2015a, ‘Daniel Bensaïd, une politique de l’opprimé. De l’actualité de la révolution au pari mélancolique’, Période, 6 April, available at: <http://revueperiode.net/daniel-bensaid-une-politique-de-lopprime-de-lactualite-de-la-revolution-au-pari-melancolique/>.
Roso, Darren and Fabio Mascaro 2015b, ‘Revolutionary Legacy’, Overland, 13 March, available at: <https://overland.org.au/2015/03/revolutionary-legacy/>.
Sabado, Francois (ed.) 2012, Daniel Bensaïd, l’intempestif, Paris: La Découverte.
Tombazos, Stavros 2014, Time in Marx: The Categories of Time in Marx’s Capital, Historical Materialism Book Series, Leiden: Brill.
Trotsky, Leon 1974, The Transitional Program for Socialist Revolution: Including ‘The Death Agony of Capitalism and the Tasks of the Fourth International’, New York: Pathfinder.
Weber, Henri 1977, Interview with Nicos Poulantzas, Critique Communiste, June.
Weber, Henri 1983, Kautsky, Luxemburg, Pannekoek – Socialisme. La voie occidentale, translated by Alain Brossat, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
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Abstract Views | 875 | 56 | 3 |
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Daniel Bensaïd’s theoretical and political framework deserves to be habitually known in the English-speaking world. His philosophical work has a universal dimension, but because it was also the product of particular political upsurges and downturns, it is necessary to understand these particular political moments to thoroughly understand the universal scope and significance of his work. This paper will look at these political developments (with a focus on France) and pay particular attention to the crisis of the workers’ movement, strategy and Marxism.
All Time | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 875 | 56 | 3 |
Full Text Views | 329 | 12 | 0 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 170 | 22 | 0 |