
Elsewhere and Otherwise

Introduction to a Symposium on Fredric Jameson’s ‘Allegory and Ideology’

In: Historical Materialism
Alberto Toscano Reader in Critical Theory, Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London London UK
Visiting Faculty, Digital Democracies Institute, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University Burnaby BC Canada

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This text introduces the symposium on Fredric Jameson’s Allegory and Ideology (2019), the second volume in his six-part The Poetics of Social Forms. It frames the debate with a brief exploration of some of the figures and problems of allegory that appear across Jameson’s œuvre, and surveys some of the Marxist conceptualisations of allegory that have shaped Jameson’s approach, as it straddles allegories of the commodity and allegories of utopia. The musical investigation of the nexus of allegory and affect, and the presentation of political allegory as primarily concerned with the disjunction between (national and international) levels are also touched upon as salient dimensions of Jameson’s theorising.

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