This piece makes a comment on the usefulness of allegory as a mode of reading, by way of an examination of the representation of nationalism in Jameson and in Antonio Candido.
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Ahmad, Aijaz 1992 [1987], ‘Jameson’s Rhetoric of Otherness and the “National Allegory”’, in In Theory, London: Verso.
Buchanan, Ian 2006, Fredric Jameson: Live Theory, London: Continuum.
Candido, Antonio 1959, Formação da Literatura Brasileira, São Paulo: Livraria Martins.
Candido, Antonio 2004, ‘A Dialética da Malandragem’, in O Discurso e a Cidade, São Paulo/Rio de Janeiro: Duas Cidades/Ouro sobre Azul.
Jameson, Fredric 1971, Marxism and Form, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Jameson, Fredric 1981, The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act, London: Methuen & Co. Ltd.
Jameson, Fredric 1987, ‘A Brief Response’, Social Text, Autumn: 26–27.
Jameson, Fredric 2008, The Ideologies of Theory, London: Verso.
Jameson, Fredric 2019, Allegory and Ideology, London: Verso.
Williams, Raymond 1988, ‘The Idea of a Common Culture’, in Resources of Hope: Culture, Democracy, Socialism, edited by Robin Gable, London: Verso.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 746 | 154 | 15 |
Full Text Views | 515 | 439 | 2 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 1155 | 959 | 2 |
This piece makes a comment on the usefulness of allegory as a mode of reading, by way of an examination of the representation of nationalism in Jameson and in Antonio Candido.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 746 | 154 | 15 |
Full Text Views | 515 | 439 | 2 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 1155 | 959 | 2 |