What does it mean to bring Marxism and psychoanalysis together at this conjuncture? Such a project has been a throughline, arguably, for Fredric Jameson’s work for the past four decades. In this review-article, I read his chapter on Lacan and Hamlet for how it helps us to understand, not only how Jameson’s ruminations on desire and neurosis highlight the social tendencies in Lacanian theory (for example, the notion that desire is the desire of the other), but also how that relationship throws new light on both the Marxist project and psychoanalysis proper.
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Mason Vaughan, Virginia and Albert Vaughan 1999, ‘Introduction’, in William Shakespeare, The Tempest: The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare, London: Routledge.
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Nagle, Angela 2017, Kill All Normies: The Online Culture Wars from Tumblr and 4Chan to the Alt-Right and Trump, Winchester: Zero Books.
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Abstract Views | 882 | 145 | 17 |
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What does it mean to bring Marxism and psychoanalysis together at this conjuncture? Such a project has been a throughline, arguably, for Fredric Jameson’s work for the past four decades. In this review-article, I read his chapter on Lacan and Hamlet for how it helps us to understand, not only how Jameson’s ruminations on desire and neurosis highlight the social tendencies in Lacanian theory (for example, the notion that desire is the desire of the other), but also how that relationship throws new light on both the Marxist project and psychoanalysis proper.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 882 | 145 | 17 |
Full Text Views | 575 | 491 | 1 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 1268 | 1045 | 1 |