This article is a response by the author to the contributions to the Historical Materialism symposium on Allegory and Ideology. The reply is framed in terms of the different theoretical strategies through which the articulation of ‘Marx’ and ‘Freud’ has been carried out, namely the precarious syntheses of Freudo-Marxism, the homological method pioneered by Lucien Goldmann, and the theory of allegorical levels and transcoding explored in Allegory and Ideology. It critically engages with the openings and challenges posed by the various contributions to the symposium, focusing in particular on matters of periodisation, and concluding with a reflection on how a theory of allegorical levels can be complemented by a materialist understanding of the ‘category’.
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Jameson, Fredric 2019, Allegory and Ideology, London: Verso.
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All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 1529 | 216 | 51 |
Full Text Views | 1129 | 992 | 1 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 2585 | 2219 | 4 |
This article is a response by the author to the contributions to the Historical Materialism symposium on Allegory and Ideology. The reply is framed in terms of the different theoretical strategies through which the articulation of ‘Marx’ and ‘Freud’ has been carried out, namely the precarious syntheses of Freudo-Marxism, the homological method pioneered by Lucien Goldmann, and the theory of allegorical levels and transcoding explored in Allegory and Ideology. It critically engages with the openings and challenges posed by the various contributions to the symposium, focusing in particular on matters of periodisation, and concluding with a reflection on how a theory of allegorical levels can be complemented by a materialist understanding of the ‘category’.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 1529 | 216 | 51 |
Full Text Views | 1129 | 992 | 1 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 2585 | 2219 | 4 |