Lucien Sève (1926–2020) was one of the foremost Marxist theoreticians of the Parti Communiste Français. An indomitable opponent of both structural and humanist Marxism, his 1973 article reprinted below represents the core of his conception of alienation. For Sève, whilst the mature Marxism of Das Kapital is fundamentally distinct from the speculative humanism of the 1844 Manuscripts in placing capital, not abstract labour, at the heart of alienation, this reinforces, rather than replaces, the role of alienation at the centre of Marx’s mature thought, and hence of Marxism itself.
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Althusser, Louis 1969, For Marx, translated by Ben Brewster, London: Allen Lane.
Cornu, Auguste 1962, Karl Marx et Friedrich Engels, leur vie et leur oeuvre. Tome III. Marx à Paris, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas von 1960, Manifestes Philosophiques, translated by Louis Althusser, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas von 1970, Kleinere Schriften, Volume II, Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 1941, Phénoménologie de l’Esprit, translated by Jean Hyppolite, Paris: Aubier.
Ibarrola, Jésus 1965, ‘Aliénation, théorie de la valeur-travail et fétichisme’, Economie et Politique, 131: 107–116.
Lenin, Vladimir Illyich 1973, Collected Works, Moscow: Progress Publishers.
Lukács, Georg 1960, Histoire et conscience de classe. Essais de dialectique marxiste (1919–1922), translated by Kostas Axelos and Jacqueline Bois, Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit.
Marx, Karl 1973, Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy, translated by Martin Nicolaus, London: Penguin.
Marx, Karl 1976, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. Volume One, translated by Ben Fowkes, London: Penguin.
Marx, Karl 1981, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. Volume Three, translated by David Fernbach, London: Penguin.
Marx, Karl and Frederick Engels 1975–2004, Marx/Engels Collected Works, fifty volumes, New York: International Publishers.
Sève, Lucien 1980, Une introduction à la philosophie marxiste: Suivie d’un vocabulaire philosophique, Paris: Éditions sociales.
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Abstract Views | 907 | 265 | 77 |
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Lucien Sève (1926–2020) was one of the foremost Marxist theoreticians of the Parti Communiste Français. An indomitable opponent of both structural and humanist Marxism, his 1973 article reprinted below represents the core of his conception of alienation. For Sève, whilst the mature Marxism of Das Kapital is fundamentally distinct from the speculative humanism of the 1844 Manuscripts in placing capital, not abstract labour, at the heart of alienation, this reinforces, rather than replaces, the role of alienation at the centre of Marx’s mature thought, and hence of Marxism itself.
All Time | Past Year | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 907 | 265 | 77 |
Full Text Views | 220 | 29 | 2 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 573 | 76 | 6 |