The rise of the far right is a defining feature of our time. With nationalism and racism as its hallmarks, it is more opportunistic towards Jews and LGBTIQ people than in the past. Yet antisemitism and heteronationalism are still strong on the far right. A Marxist analysis founded on social-reproduction theory can help explain this, given Jews’ prominence in such fields as the media, and the potential threat posed to the heteronormative family by queers. Far-right hostility to Jews and queers is present among not only neo-fascist but also post-fascist forces. Yet Jews and LGBTIQ people can be inhibited from mobilising against the far right by presuppositions they share with it, particularly homonationalist and Zionist ones. Despite this, the potential exists for radical resistance to the far right by Jews and queers, as manifest in the growing ranks of Jews and queers organising against racism and for internationalist solidarity.
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All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 732 | 732 | 44 |
Full Text Views | 37 | 37 | 2 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 119 | 119 | 7 |
The rise of the far right is a defining feature of our time. With nationalism and racism as its hallmarks, it is more opportunistic towards Jews and LGBTIQ people than in the past. Yet antisemitism and heteronationalism are still strong on the far right. A Marxist analysis founded on social-reproduction theory can help explain this, given Jews’ prominence in such fields as the media, and the potential threat posed to the heteronormative family by queers. Far-right hostility to Jews and queers is present among not only neo-fascist but also post-fascist forces. Yet Jews and LGBTIQ people can be inhibited from mobilising against the far right by presuppositions they share with it, particularly homonationalist and Zionist ones. Despite this, the potential exists for radical resistance to the far right by Jews and queers, as manifest in the growing ranks of Jews and queers organising against racism and for internationalist solidarity.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
Abstract Views | 732 | 732 | 44 |
Full Text Views | 37 | 37 | 2 |
PDF Views & Downloads | 119 | 119 | 7 |