
A European Union ‘Water Diplomacy’? Frames of Water in EU External Action

In: The Hague Journal of Diplomacy
Simon Schunz Professor, EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies Department, College of Europe
Associate Research Fellow, United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS) Bruges Belgium

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Ediz Topcuoglu Academic Assistant, EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies Department, College of Europe Bruges Belgium

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In 2013, the European Union (EU) formulated its ambition to develop a ‘water diplomacy’. Subsequently, it attempted to put this aspiration into practice, notably through various Council Conclusions. Despite this activity, the EU’s evolution as a ‘water diplomat’ remains underexplored. To address this gap, this article examines the EU’s understanding of ‘water diplomacy’ by conducting a comprehensive discourse analysis of its framing of water as an object of diplomacy and the resulting diplomatic approaches. The analysis of key EU documents, triangulated through interviews with policy-makers, reveals that several water frames currently intersect, resulting in a multifaceted EU external water action comprising both a narrow and a broad understanding of water diplomacy. Following an explanation of this finding focusing on the policy entrepreneurship of intra-EU water diplomacy stakeholders, the article concludes by discussing its implications for the academic study and political practice of water diplomacy within and beyond the EU.

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