Online submission: Articles to be considered for publication in The Hague Journal of Diplomacy should be submitted online through Editorial Manager; please click here.

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Jan Melissen, Leiden University (The Netherlands) and University of Antwerp (Belgium)

Associate Editors
Jérémie Cornut, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver (Canada)
Constance Duncombe, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Marcus Holmes, The College of William & Mary, Williamsburg (USA)
Halvard Leira, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (Norway)
Deepak Nair, Australian National University (Australia)
Khushi Singh Rathore, Jawaharlal Nehru University (India)
Anna-Lena Rüland, University College London (UK)

Book Review Editor
Sophie L. Vériter, Leiden University, The Hague (The Netherlands) (

Honorary Editor
Paul Sharp, University of Minnesota, Duluth (USA)

Editorial Operations Team
Githma Chandrasekara, Institute of Policy Studies (Sri Lanka)
Corianne Oosterbaan, Leiden University, The Hague (The Netherlands)
Saskia Postema, Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands)

International Advisory Board
Kadir Jun Ayhan, Ewha Womans University (South Korea)
Laurence Badel, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (France)
Josef Bátora, Webster University Vienna (Austria) and Comenius University Bratislava (Slovak Republic)
Federica Bicchi, London School of Economics and Political Science (UK)
Natalia Chaban, University of Canterbury (New Zealand)
Mai’a Cross, Northeastern University (USA)
Kristin Eggeling, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Akiko Fukushima, The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research (Japan)
Karen Gram-Skjoldager, Aarhus University (Denmark)
Susan Harris Rimmer, Griffith University (Australia)
Kristin Haugevik, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (Norway)
Gunther Hellmann, Goethe Universität Frankfurt (Germany)
Ingrid d'Hooghe, Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ (Netherlands)
Gaynor Johnson, University of Kent (UK)
Joachim A. Koops, Leiden University, The Hague (Netherlands)
Jorg Kustermans, University of Antwerp (Belgium)
Merje Kuus, The University of British Columbia (Canada)
Yong Wook Lee, Korea University (South Korea)
Christian Lequesne, CERI - Sciences Po, Paris (France)
Ilan Manor, Ben-Gurion University (Israel)
Stéphanie Martel, Queen's University (Canada)
Tristen Naylor, University of Cambridge (UK)
Kim B.Olsen, Danish Institute of International Affairs (Denmark) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (Germany)
James Pamment, Lund University (Sweden)
Vincent Pouliot, McGill University (Canada)
Gary Rawnsley, University of Nottingham, Ningbo China (China)
J. Simon Rofe, University of Leeds (UK)
Giles Scott-Smith, Leiden University, The Hague (Netherlands)
Yolanda Spies, University of Oxford (UK)
Vineet Thakur, Leiden University (Netherlands)
Baldur Thorhallsson, University of Iceland (Iceland)
Ann Towns, University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
Siniša Vuković, Johns Hopkins University (USA)
Tobias Wille, Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany)
Anders Wivel, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Seanon S. Wong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Atsushi Yamada, Hitotsubashi University (Japan)
Joanne Yao, Queen Mary University of London (UK)
Yun Zhang, Niigata University (Japan)
Kejin Zhao, Tsinghua University (China)
Taomo Zhou, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)

Current Abstracts
Emerging Sources Citation Index
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Core
PAIS International (Public Affairs Information Service), Selective Politics Collection
Political Science Complete
TOC Premier (Table of Contents)
Web of Science
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, Core
Universities and think tanks form the core readership of The Hague Journal of Diplomacy. In particular, researchers, teachers and graduate students of International Relations, together with educators and trainees for programs in Diplomatic Studies utilize the journal. Secondly, it is a journal for all those with an interest or stake in first-rate articles on all aspects of diplomacy, not least the world’s foreign ministries and diplomatic academies.

The Hague Journal of Diplomacy Article Award
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy Book Award

Article Award

The Hague Journal of Diplomacy Article Award is given to the published research article which best advances the theoretical and/or empirical study of diplomacy.

All research articles published in the two volumes preceding the year in which the Award is given are eligible.

The Jury shall consist of members from the Editorial Board, with an adequate balance in gender, location and seniority. The Editors-in-Chief will ask Editorial Board members to serve on the Jury.

Jury members shall evaluate the eligible articles based on a fixed set of criteria, and each shall submit a ranked shortlist. The Editors-in-Chief will compile the selection from the Jury and determine the winner.

  • The winning article can be accessed Free of Charge electronically for one year.
  • The successful author(s) shall be awarded a certificate and cash prize of 500 Euros.

Prize Winners

For 2024’s Prize winning article see: “More-than-Human Space Diplomacy: Assembling Internationalism in Orbit” by William Stewart and Jason Dittmer.

For 2022’s Prize winning article see: “The Gendered Networking of Diplomats” by Birgitta Niklasson.

For 2020’s Prize winning article see: “Navigating Discretion: A Diplomatic Practice in Moments of Socio-political rupture” by Judit Kuschnitzki.


Book Award

The Hague Journal of Diplomacy Book Award is given to the author(s) of the book that best advances the theoretical and/or empirical study of diplomacy.

Eligible books should be original works with a focus on the broadly defined discipline of Diplomatic Studies, and with a publication date in the two calendar years preceding the issuance of the Award.

Books should be self-nominated or nominated by others by email. Nominations should include details of the publication and a short (approx. 300-word) justification. One electronic or hard copy of the book must be sent to the Editors-in-Chief before the nomination deadline.

The Selection Committee shall consist of members from the HJD Editorial Board, with an adequate balance in gender, location and seniority.

Committee members shall evaluate the nominated books based on a fixed set of criteria. The Editors-in-Chief will integrate the Committee’s assessments and determine the winner.

  • The successful author(s) shall be awarded a certificate and cash prize of 500 Euros.

Prize Winners

2023 Book Award Winner – Ascending Order: Rising Powers and the Politics of Status in International Institutions, by Rohan Mukherjee.

2021 Book Award Winner - Co-Managing International Crises: Judgements and Justifications, by Markus Kornprobst (Cambridge University Press, 2020).

The Hague Journal of Diplomacy

Jan Melissen
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Current site
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2023 Impact Factor: 0,9
5 Year Impact Factor: 1,6

We encourage you to explore our Brill book series Diplomatic Studies.

The Hague Journal of Diplomacy (HJD) is the world’s leading research journal for the study of diplomacy. It publishes research on the theory, practice, processes and outcomes of diplomacy in both its traditional state-based forms, as well as contemporary diplomatic expressions practiced by states and non-state entities. Each issue aims at a balance between theoretical and empirical studies and usually features one practitioner’s essay.

A central aim of the journal is to present work from a variety of intellectual traditions. Diplomatic studies is an interdisciplinary field, including contributions from international relations, history, law, sociology, economics, and philosophy. HJD is receptive to a wide array of methodologies.

Universities and think tanks form the core readership of HJD. In particular, researchers, teachers and graduate students of International Relations, together with educators and trainees for programs in Diplomatic Studies utilize the journal. Secondly, it is a journal for all those with an interest or stake in first-rate articles on all aspects of diplomacy, not least the world’s foreign ministries and diplomatic academies.

The Hague Journal of Diplomacy is published with the support of Leiden University.

The Hague Journal of Diplomacy has a blog and website!

HJD Article Award and Book Award
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy offers an Article Award and a Book Award to recognise publications that best advance the theoretical and/or empirical study of diplomacy.
Eligible publications are selected every two years by a jury that consists of members from the HJD Editorial Board, with an adequate balance in gender, location and seniority. Winners of the Article Award or the Book Award will receive a certificate and a cash prize.

Read about the HJD Book Award here!

Read about the HJD Article Award here!
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