The practice at the different international criminal tribunals has shown that there is no real international criminal (customary) law, but only extrapolations from international public law, general principles of law and humanitarian law. The divide between the so-called common law and civil law systems and their differences in approach to solving legal problems make it necessary to establish an international forum for discussion and development of a common ground on which the work of the international courts can build. This is especially true with regard to the so-called “General Part” of the substantive criminal law, like forms of participation,
actus reus and
mens rea categories, defences and excuses, offence types, sentencing, enforcement etc. But also the procedural law still lacks sharp features in many aspects; the ICC’s Rules of Procedure and Evidence are still in need of interpretation. In addition, it will be helpful to the Courts to understand the societal background and effects of the law. Thus there is also a need for criminological, sociological and historical research on the issues of ICL.
International Criminal Law Review publishes in-depth analytical research that deals with these issues. The analysis may cover:
• the substantive and procedural law on the international level;
• important cases from national jurisdictions which have a bearing on general issues;
• criminological and sociological; and,
• historical research.
Editor-in-Chief Caroline Fournet, Law School, University of Exeter, UK, e-mail:
General Editor Michael Bohlander, Durham Law School, University of Durham, Stockton Road, Durham DH1 2LE UK, e-mail:
Notes and Comments Editor Mohamed Elewa Badar, Northumbria School of Law, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, e-mail:
Criminology and Sociology Editor Caroline Fournet, Law School, University of Exeter, UK, e-mail:
Editorial Board Hirad Abtahi (The Hague, The Netherlands)
Diane Marie Amann (Athens, GA, USA)
Kai Ambos (Judge, Kosovo Specialist Chambers, The Hague & Göttingen, Germany)
Anabela Atanásio Alves (Porto, Portugal)
Ilias Bantekas (Doha, Qatar)
Roman Boed (The Hague, The Netherlands)
Neil Boister (Canterbury University, New Zealand)
Mohamed M. El Zeidy (The Hague, The Netherlands)
Albin Eser (Freiburg, Germany)
John Hocking (The Hague, The Netherlands)
Bing Bing Jia (Beijing, PR China)
Annika Jones (Law School, University of Exeter UK)
Stefan Kirsch (Frankfurt, Germany)
André Klip (Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Claus Kreß (Cologne, Germany)
Adel Maged (Cairo, Egypt)
Anja Matwijkiw (IU Northwest, USA)
Timothy L.H. McCormack (Melbourne, Australia)
Guénaël Mettraux (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Susan Nash (London, UK)
Tomoya Obokata (York Law School, UK)
Alain Pellet (Paris, France)
Victor Peskin (Arizona State University, USA)
William A. Schabas (Middlesex University, London)
Wolfgang Schomburg (Berlin, Germany)
Ulrich Sieber (Freiburg, Germany)
Carl-Friedrich Stuckenberg (Bonn, Germany)
Gregory Townsend (The Hague, The Netherlands)
Christine van den Wyngaert (The Hague, The Netherlands)
Book Review Editor Noha Aboueldahab (Georgetown University, Qatar),
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Online submission: Articles for publication in
International Criminal Law Review can be submitted online through
Editorial Manager, please
click here.
International Criminal Law Review - Call for Papers
February 2024
The editors of the International Criminal Law Review are very pleased to issue a general call for papers for volumes 24 and 25 (2024-2025). Articles should offer an in-depth exploration of international criminal law and justice, understood in a broad, multidisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary way. The analysis may thus cover: the substantive and procedural law on the international level; landmark domestic cases which have an impact on international criminal law and justice; criminological, sociological, and historical aspects of international crimes and international criminal law and justice.
Articles should be submitted online via Editorial Manager. While there is no strict submission deadline, articles received by 1 June usually benefit from a quicker turn-over.
Please direct any queries to the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Caroline Fournet:
Editor-in-Chief Caroline Fournet, Law School, University of Exeter, UK, e-mail:
General Editor Michael Bohlander, Durham Law School, University of Durham, Stockton Road, Durham DH1 2LE UK, e-mail:
Notes and Comments Editor Mohamed Elewa Badar, Northumbria School of Law, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, e-mail:
Criminology and Sociology Editor Caroline Fournet, Law School, University of Exeter, UK, e-mail:
Editorial Board Hirad Abtahi (The Hague, The Netherlands)
Diane Marie Amann (Athens, GA, USA)
Kai Ambos (Judge, Kosovo Specialist Chambers, The Hague & Göttingen, Germany)
Anabela Atanásio Alves (Porto, Portugal)
Ilias Bantekas (Doha, Qatar)
Roman Boed (The Hague, The Netherlands)
Neil Boister (Canterbury University, New Zealand)
Mohamed M. El Zeidy (The Hague, The Netherlands)
Albin Eser (Freiburg, Germany)
John Hocking (The Hague, The Netherlands)
Bing Bing Jia (Beijing, PR China)
Annika Jones (Law School, University of Exeter UK)
Stefan Kirsch (Frankfurt, Germany)
André Klip (Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Claus Kreß (Cologne, Germany)
Adel Maged (Cairo, Egypt)
Anja Matwijkiw (IU Northwest, USA)
Timothy L.H. McCormack (Melbourne, Australia)
Guénaël Mettraux (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Susan Nash (London, UK)
Tomoya Obokata (York Law School, UK)
Alain Pellet (Paris, France)
Victor Peskin (Arizona State University, USA)
William A. Schabas (Middlesex University, London)
Wolfgang Schomburg (Berlin, Germany)
Ulrich Sieber (Freiburg, Germany)
Carl-Friedrich Stuckenberg (Bonn, Germany)
Gregory Townsend (The Hague, The Netherlands)
Christine van den Wyngaert (The Hague, The Netherlands)
Book Review Editor Noha Aboueldahab (Georgetown University, Qatar),
International Criminal Law Review - Call for Papers
February 2024
The editors of the International Criminal Law Review are very pleased to issue a general call for papers for volumes 24 and 25 (2024-2025). Articles should offer an in-depth exploration of international criminal law and justice, understood in a broad, multidisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary way. The analysis may thus cover: the substantive and procedural law on the international level; landmark domestic cases which have an impact on international criminal law and justice; criminological, sociological, and historical aspects of international crimes and international criminal law and justice.
Articles should be submitted online via Editorial Manager. While there is no strict submission deadline, articles received by 1 June usually benefit from a quicker turn-over.
Please direct any queries to the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Caroline Fournet:
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The practice at the different international criminal tribunals has shown that there is no real international criminal (customary) law, but only extrapolations from international public law, general principles of law and humanitarian law. The divide between the so-called common law and civil law systems and their differences in approach to solving legal problems make it necessary to establish an international forum for discussion and development of a common ground on which the work of the international courts can build. This is especially true with regard to the so-called “General Part” of the substantive criminal law, like forms of participation,
actus reus and
mens rea categories, defences and excuses, offence types, sentencing, enforcement etc. But also the procedural law still lacks sharp features in many aspects; the ICC’s Rules of Procedure and Evidence are still in need of interpretation. In addition, it will be helpful to the Courts to understand the societal background and effects of the law. Thus there is also a need for criminological, sociological and historical research on the issues of ICL.
International Criminal Law Review publishes in-depth analytical research that deals with these issues. The analysis may cover:
• the substantive and procedural law on the international level;
• important cases from national jurisdictions which have a bearing on general issues;
• criminological and sociological; and,
• historical research.
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