The Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies is a peer reviewed journal aimed at promoting the rule of law in humanitarian emergency situations and, in particular, the protection and assistance afforded to persons in the event of armed conflicts and natural disasters in all phases and facets under international law.
The Journal welcomes submissions in the areas of international humanitarian law, international human rights law, international refugee law and international law relating to disaster response. In addition, other areas of law can be identified including, but not limited to the norms regulating the prevention of humanitarian emergency situations, the law concerning internally displaced persons, arms control and disarmament law, legal issues relating to human security, and the implementation and enforcement of humanitarian norms.
The Journal´s objective is to further the understanding of these legal areas in their own right as well as in their interplay. The Journal encourages writing beyond the theoretical level taking into account the practical implications from the perspective of those who are or may be affected by humanitarian emergency situations.
The Journal aims at and seeks the perspective of academics, government and organisation officials, military lawyers, practitioners working in the humanitarian (legal) field, as well as students and other individuals interested therein.
Authors are cordially invited to send their submissions to
Jennifer Maddocks, United States Military Academy, West Point, United States of America
Simon McKenzie, University of Queensland School of Law, Brisbane, Australia
Tamer Morris, UUniversity of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Review Editor:
Marco Longobardo, University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom
Editorial Board:
W L Cheah, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Alejandro Chehtman, Torcuato Di Tella University, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dug Cubie, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Eitan Diamond, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Alice Edwards, Convention against Torture Initiative, Geneva, Switzerland
Christian Henderson, University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom
Anna Hood, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Chris Jenks, SMU, Dallas, United States
Sandra Krähenmann, Geneva Call, Geneva, Switzerland
Hin-Yan Liu, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Sasha Radin, United States Military Academy, West Point, United States
Vera Rusinova, Moscow, Russia
Niaz A Shah, University of Hull, Hull, United Kingdom
Manoj Kumar Sinha, National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata, India
Jonathan Somer, Danish Red Cross, Copenhagen, Denmark
Natalia Szablewska, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
Binxin Zhang, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
Assistant Editors:
Samara Cassar, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Maeve Lu, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Julius Moller, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Matisse Reed, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Editorial Advisory Board:
Ademola Abass, Office of the Governor of Lagos State, Lagos, Nigeria
Michael Bothe, formerly Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
Antônio Augusto Cançado-Trindade, International Court of Justice, The Hague, The Netherlands
Erika de Wet, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
Treasa Dunworth, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Renata Dwan, UNIDIR, Geneva, Switzerland
Marie Jacobsson, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Stockholm, Sweden
Robert Kolb, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Marja Lehto, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Helsinki, Finland
Vesselin Popovski, Jindal Global University, Sonipat, India
Philippe Sands, UCL, London, United Kingdom
Michael N Schmitt, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom
Beth Van Schaack, Stanford University, Stanford, United States
Gillian Triggs, UNHCR, Geneva, Switzerland
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Online submission: Articles for publication in the Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies can be submitted online through Editorial Manager. To submit an article, click here.
For more details on online submission, please visit our EM Support page.
Online submission: Articles for publication in the Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies can be submitted online through Editorial Manager. To submit an article, click here.
For more details on online submission, please visit our EM Support page.
Jennifer Maddocks, United States Military Academy, West Point, United States of America
Simon McKenzie, University of Queensland School of Law, Brisbane, Australia
Tamer Morris, UUniversity of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Review Editor:
Marco Longobardo, University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom
Editorial Board:
W L Cheah, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Alejandro Chehtman, Torcuato Di Tella University, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dug Cubie, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Eitan Diamond, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Alice Edwards, Convention against Torture Initiative, Geneva, Switzerland
Christian Henderson, University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom
Anna Hood, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Chris Jenks, SMU, Dallas, United States
Sandra Krähenmann, Geneva Call, Geneva, Switzerland
Hin-Yan Liu, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Sasha Radin, United States Military Academy, West Point, United States
Vera Rusinova, Moscow, Russia
Niaz A Shah, University of Hull, Hull, United Kingdom
Manoj Kumar Sinha, National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata, India
Jonathan Somer, Danish Red Cross, Copenhagen, Denmark
Natalia Szablewska, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
Binxin Zhang, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
Assistant Editors:
Samara Cassar, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Maeve Lu, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Julius Moller, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Matisse Reed, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Editorial Advisory Board:
Ademola Abass, Office of the Governor of Lagos State, Lagos, Nigeria
Michael Bothe, formerly Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
Antônio Augusto Cançado-Trindade, International Court of Justice, The Hague, The Netherlands
Erika de Wet, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
Treasa Dunworth, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Renata Dwan, UNIDIR, Geneva, Switzerland
Marie Jacobsson, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Stockholm, Sweden
Robert Kolb, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Marja Lehto, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Helsinki, Finland
Vesselin Popovski, Jindal Global University, Sonipat, India
Philippe Sands, UCL, London, United Kingdom
Michael N Schmitt, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom
Beth Van Schaack, Stanford University, Stanford, United States
Gillian Triggs, UNHCR, Geneva, Switzerland
Academic Search Alumni Edition
Academic Search Complete
Academic Search Elite
Academic Search Premier
Academic Search Ultimate
Electronic Collections Online
Legal Source
TOC Premier
The Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies is a peer reviewed journal aimed at promoting the rule of law in humanitarian emergency situations and, in particular, the protection and assistance afforded to persons in the event of armed conflicts and natural disasters in all phases and facets under international law.
The Journal welcomes submissions in the areas of international humanitarian law, international human rights law, international refugee law and international law relating to disaster response. In addition, other areas of law can be identified including, but not limited to the norms regulating the prevention of humanitarian emergency situations, the law concerning internally displaced persons, arms control and disarmament law, legal issues relating to human security, and the implementation and enforcement of humanitarian norms.
The Journal´s objective is to further the understanding of these legal areas in their own right as well as in their interplay. The Journal encourages writing beyond the theoretical level taking into account the practical implications from the perspective of those who are or may be affected by humanitarian emergency situations.
The Journal aims at and seeks the perspective of academics, government and organisation officials, military lawyers, practitioners working in the humanitarian (legal) field, as well as students and other individuals interested therein.
Authors are cordially invited to send their submissions to
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