Recognizing that research in human biology must be founded on a comparative knowledge of our closest relatives, this journal is the natural scientist’s ideal means of access to the best of current primate research. Folia Primatologica covers diverse fields, from molecular biology to social behavior, and features articles on, amongst others, ecology, conservation, paleontology, systematics, and functional anatomy. In-depth articles and invited reviews are contributed by the world’s leading primatologists. In addition, special issues provide peer-reviewed publications of conference proceedings and other selected topics. Folia Primatologica is one of the top-rated primatology publications and is acknowledged worldwide as a core journal for primatologists, zoologists, and anthropologists.
K.A.I. Nekaris, Anglia Ruskin University, UK
Christophe Soligo, University College London, UK
Associate Editors
Katherine Amato, Northwestern University, USA
Giuseppe Donati, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Nanda Grow, Washington State University, USA
Sharon Gursky, Texas A&M University, USA
Ammie Kalan, University of Victoria, Canada
Tracie McKinney, University of South Wales, UK
Anthony B. Rylands, Conservation International, USA
Colleen M. Schaffner, Adams State University, USA
Augusto Vitale, Center for Behavioural Sciences and Mental Health, Italy
Online submission: Articles for publication in Folia Primatologica can be submitted online through Editorial Manager. To submit an article, click here.
For more details on online submission, please visit our EM Support page.
Online submission: Articles for publication in Folia Primatologica can be submitted online through Editorial Manager. To submit an article, click here.
For more details on online submission, please visit our EM Support page.
K.A.I. Nekaris, Anglia Ruskin University, UK
Christophe Soligo, University College London, UK
Associate Editors
Katherine Amato, Northwestern University, USA
Giuseppe Donati, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Nanda Grow, Washington State University, USA
Sharon Gursky, Texas A&M University, USA
Ammie Kalan, University of Victoria, Canada
Tracie McKinney, University of South Wales, UK
Anthony B. Rylands, Conservation International, USA
Colleen M. Schaffner, Adams State University, USA
Augusto Vitale, Center for Behavioural Sciences and Mental Health, Italy
Recognizing that research in human biology must be founded on a comparative knowledge of our closest relatives, this journal is the natural scientist’s ideal means of access to the best of current primate research. Folia Primatologica covers diverse fields, from molecular biology to social behavior, and features articles on, amongst others, ecology, conservation, paleontology, systematics, and functional anatomy. In-depth articles and invited reviews are contributed by the world’s leading primatologists. In addition, special issues provide peer-reviewed publications of conference proceedings and other selected topics. Folia Primatologica is one of the top-rated primatology publications and is acknowledged worldwide as a core journal for primatologists, zoologists, and anthropologists.