
Hans Bender in Conversation with Carl Jung

Participation Mystique and Its Implications for Our Understanding of Time and Death

In: International Journal of Jungian Studies
Angeliki Yiassemides
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Marc Wittmann Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health Freiburg Germany

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In 1960, a year before Carl Jung’s death, the German parapsychologist Hans Bender met with him to ask his opinion regarding a sequence of strange events that transpired in the previous years. During this meeting, Bender would reveal to Jung the multiple synchronicities that surrounded his mother’s death. In turn, Jung offered his interpretation and elaborated on topics that he had rarely done in the previous years, touching on parapsychological matters, life after death, participation mystique between mother and son, and then nature of time. In this article we elaborate on this discussion by referring to recent conceptualizations and empirical findings regarding death awareness, altered states of consciousness, as well as empirical studies in anomalous cognition, such as precognition and presentiment.

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